It’s that “absolute pain in the butt to make” provision that is a big part of why I prefer Alton’s version.
It’s that “absolute pain in the butt to make” provision that is a big part of why I prefer Alton’s version.
I don’t follow anyone on TikTok so I have no favorites. But I do watch the ones my friends post on Facebook and those can lead you to other recommendations.
“But come on. Do you know what would happen if we locked up every guy who made love to a sixteen-year-old?”
In 2008, the New York Times shared a legendary chocolate chip cookie recipe by Jacques Torres that spread through the food blogosphere like wildfire. The secret was aging the cookie dough. Countless people tested this trick to understand why it makes a difference. Letting the dough age/rest allows time for the flour…
I’m with you until Wolf of Wall Street. Real human, still alive, still rich af, wrote his own embellished memoir that the movie was based on. Is shown as a winner in the end. Lacks some of the nuance that Fight Club has.
First - This is one of the best pieces I’ve read on Jez in a long while. Content like this is what keeps me coming back. Thank you.
Do you know what would happen if we locked up every guy who made love to a sixteen-year-old?
I love Smashburger. Their fries are one of my favorites. I’ve never seen one at a food court, though, only the dine in locations, many of which have shut down in my area, so this news confused me.
That is all that is necessary. God, that top picture of him. I think I have the vapors (again).
Casting HBC led to her fantastic line about Pitt, true still 20+ years later, “He looks like he swallowed the sun.”
...very few popular chocolate chip cookie recipes mention aging at all.
Over the summer, I started baking more consistently and found what you did: metric weight measurements for dry goods is the one true way, it made everything good and easy. The tare button on my scale is very messy now and I’m sure it’ll fail soon given how much I use it.
I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.
God Brad Pitt was sexy in this movie. That’s all.
I am constantly amazed that this ghoul, this shriveled husk of a human that has been hollowed out of any actual humanity, is 34 years old. That is my age!
They could say cheese caused instant death and they'd still have to take it from my cheddery dead hands.
Ted, no one likes you. That’s the issue. You know why Obama was so popular to the point his own family genuinely adored him when the cameras weren’t around?
If the man is so incredibly persnickety that you have to open the tiny bottle of ketchup in front of him, close enough that he can hear it pop, there’s no way he’s going to accept popcorn that someone microwaved in the back and brought out is there?