like 'hyacinth' and 'Piccadilly' and 'onyx'

Omg I AM enjoying it SO much. Having a dishwasher and a normal-sized fridge has changed my life. It feels so decadent.

With school cancelled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends

THIS. Folks all busy reading him for filth for bailing on TX citizenry during a weather disaster....have totally forgotten to ream him for travelling during a pandemic.

Wasn't she like a tween when she started, and pretty successful? I kind of doubt she had/has a thought-out career path. A bunch of her movies have been good (or she was at least good in) and a bunch haven't. There aren't messed up child actor stories about her (that I know of) so I'm happy she's working and doing her

I can’t understand CGM’s career path. Odd choices like that Louie C.K film and that Max Landis one. But other high profile films like the Kick-Ass films, Carrie, and this one. It’s just not a clear trajectory to me what she wants her career to be like.

“That really sucks lady!”

Firstly, it’s a terrible song. I wholeheartedly regret listening to it. Secondly, writing, producing and singing a song purely to rip on someone? I’ll happily admit that I am a petty person in many instances, but this seems like too much work for a public “fuck you”. Thirdly, it’s a shame to see just how different the

I can’t help but think that she is supremely jealous of her former co-star, Zendaya’s career.

Yeah, make Constantine any color or even gender you like, but he’s working class, he’s from the North and he’s a total bastard — that’s not negotiable.

Apparently they want to cast a diverse lead (which might be a bit weird initially but hey! isn’t a problem ) , BUT!! have Constantine be a Londoner , which can Fuck Right Off in my opinion. Constantine is always supposed to be from Liverpool , and for those saying “...meh what’s the difference” , it’d be the

I went into the show not knowing that she was going to be in it, and it was such a delightful surprise.

She’s great in everything, but Hannibal stands out for me because I freakin’ love that show and because her part was small but totally indelible - her slapping Hannibal was so great, and she and Laurence Fishburne just imbued their scenes with so much warmth and sadness.

I’m sad that we haven’t watched more stuff Torres is in, because she’s always great.

She’s fantastic in practically everything. Even that goofy-ass 007 movie with the Korean death ray.

Rosamund Pike said in an interview that she was taken aback when David Fincher told her that she “was a natural” at playing a sociopath. He wasn’t wrong.

Come for Rosamund Pike as a remorseless sociopath, stay for Dinkles in a man-bun.

I thought the most crushing aspect of his personal relationships was that Princess Caroline, Todd, Diane, and Mr Peanutbutter were all clearly better off without Bojack in their lives.  The final episode didn’t hit you over the head with it, but made it subtle enough to be emotionally impactful.

The #Metoo metaphor in Bojack’s ending also works because it acknowledges a difficult reality of the phenomenon: how quick Hollywood is to forgive these people. By the end of the series, Bojack has been convinced to film a new movie where he intentionally acts as offensive as possible as a way to “fight back” against