like 'hyacinth' and 'Piccadilly' and 'onyx'

Maybe. It’s entirely possible that I just hate Turner and thorn-in-your-side characters like her so much that I was relieved her plan was thwarted immediately. I don’t know if it was one of the reviews or someone’s comment where they said that while Bertha is a long-term planning girlie, Turner just doesn’t have the

Oh wild, sorry! That’s weird. I guess it has been fixed, then, because it’s only the weird cinematography that I’m seeing. It is a weird and annoying choice. 

Isn’t Fortune married? I distinctly remember him mentioning his wife in one of his first appearances, because I had been thinking it would be cliché but not terrible if he and Peggy got together, but then he talked about his family. 

The Turner-ruins-dinner plot would have been far more interesting if her evil plan had started to work, only for Bertha to figure out some clever way to save the day once it looks like things are about to go south.

I think it’s a credit to Christine Baranski that despite the fact that Agnes is just a huge bitch to everyone she claims to love, I did actually feel sad for her when she was having her fancy lamb dinner all alone. Like sure, her husband died and her brother abandoned her and Ada, and that made her hard, but she built

I know I’m a month late here, but YES. I’ve been sick this week so I was binging the second season, and I actually made someone else in my house come look at the tv to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. There’s a weird, blurred, fish-eye lens quality to so many of the tight conversation shots! It’s very distracting. 

No! That’s a bummer.

I miss I Thee Dread. These lentil brides in the comments are exhausting. 

Yeah, this is an important point. My BIL hadn’t read the books when he saw the movies (in order), and didn’t get the hoopla. Then he read the books a few years later and started venting to my sister about all the info the movies just assumed you knew and didn’t bother to explain. As someone who read the books first, I

I was out with a close guy friend of mine this weekend, and at the bar, for a laugh, I told him to vet my Bumble matches. After breaking his brain by explaining that no, as a woman I can’t (and won’t) just indiscriminately swipe right, he was shocked at how many of the profiles were absolutely bare bones, with hardly

It seems to be a mixed bag. I haven’t ordered from them myself, but I know some people who have and have gotten exactly what they were expecting, at the alarmingly low price shown. But I’ve also seen a few influencer videos that are half exactly what they ordered and half Wish garbage. Caveat emptor, I suppose.

Did they go after Alwyn? This is not snark, I’m genuinely asking. I like Taylor, but I’m not a Swiftie, so I’m not tapped in. It seems like they jumped immediately to going after Matt Healy.

The strangest and most unexpected thing I have ever seen Christopher Walken in was Wild Mountain Thyme. It’s an Irish romcom with Emily Blunt and Jamie Dornan — a good not great movie, a few steps above your standard Hallmark fare. But then here comes Walken, playing Dornan’s crotchety old Irish farmer father,

I will be very honest and say that I don’t remember the plot of Cell. What I do remember, though, is that I read it my freshman year of college. I remember being so excited for it that I went out and bought the hardcover.

I, too, would like 23.1 pounds of Oreo wafers 😂

The writing is just ... so bad. I was talking about this with my dad just last night. I really, really like Mehcad Brooks and Hugh Dancy and was excited to see them in the revival. But the stories are just so milquetoast! Dancy’s character is weak and ineffectual and worst of all, boring. I miss Linus Roache. Cutter

There are actually a couple of novels for adults that lean into this concept. Darling Girl was one of the better ones that I’ve read, although if I remember correctly, the ending was a little disappointing. But I know there are several others that Amazon keeps recommending for me, so you can probably find one that

He was in the new Top Gun movie, I think; more importantly, he was in one of Netflix’s secret bangers, a movie called “Set It Up,” about two exec assistants that come up with a plan to get their bosses off their backs by setting them up with each other. Taye Diggs and Lucy Liu! Seriously, it’s pretty much exactly the

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You and razzle seem like exactly the kind of people who would love this video about why the music in the live-action remakes is worse than you think.

I saw someone on another site point out that if he holds on to the “true president” myth, he’s served two terms and can’t run again. If he just quietly switches to “former president,” he can run next year.