Sorry, but there’s no yang to this ying. Fighting needs to be eliminated from hockey full stop.
Sorry, but there’s no yang to this ying. Fighting needs to be eliminated from hockey full stop.
Again, Trump did not win. Russia won the electoral vote and Hillary won the popular vote.
Bothers me every day, yeah. Of course I know that. Listen I’m not proud to call myself an American. But I’m going to try and do what’s right while I’m here.
Trump didn’t win, Russia did. And we all lost.
You’re right. I don’t. I use my power as a consumer to boycott things that don’t represent, or in this case actively harm, my interests.
I can feel your anger. This is a really good example of what I’m talking about, if people are as confused as you claim. Fighting in hockey promotes aggression which enables comments like yours.
Pretty sad story. Guys, we can do better than this.
You joke, but social media commentary should be regulated by the government. Facebook does a pretty good job, and Twitter is getting there, but so many sites are left unmoderated.
One of the great modern failures was allowing MMA to fill the vacuum boxing left behind.
Yes, people-powered campaigns are the right way for democracy to work. Yes, this is how things should be. Yes, this is how the democratic process was originally envisioned. Yes, Bernie proved that this still works in the modern era.
Good, let’s hope that the NHL slams the door behind him.
The NFL should be outright banned. I’m not saying that about hockey, which is redeemable. They just need to tone down the violence. It’s actually pretty beautiful in between hits. Really graceful.
I’m man enough to say I like hugs. Are you?
Finally some common ground. I totally agree that parents are a pretty big problem these days. And I agree that if a kid has issues with fighting that it probably stems from the parents. I’m on the PTA and can tell you this concern isn’t just my own. We need to integrate the parents into the public school system in a…
Ha, I haven’t worn a bun for years. No my kids won’t be playing anything where contact crosses the line from socially beneficial to mentally and physically threatening. Football is out, hockey too. Volleyball seems to be on the upswing so I’ll push that but it’s ultimately up to them.
No need for the disclaimer. I have been thoroughly excoriated above for speaking truth to power. But that’s not going to stop me.
When humans are equated to animals, we all lose. We’ve got to do better than this.
Men like yourself always love to use women as a crutch for your argument. I’m sorry, but I won’t stand for that either. Masculinity is a problem, a male problem, and the fact that you have observed this in women’s sports shows just how big this issue really is.
This article has 12,100 reads so far. Lots of people lurking here are reading this and questioning what they thought they knew about hockey and the NHL.