Why did you assume that I meant I was going to leave after that comment and not after I had convinced as many people as possible?
Why did you assume that I meant I was going to leave after that comment and not after I had convinced as many people as possible?
Was Haim Saban there too?
Right on schedule the Tangent Trolls show up. “I can’t fight your point, so how’s this unrelated thing?” Not gonna work bud. I’ve been on Facebook since 2010.
Insecure? Right. It’s super insecure to take a stand against violence. It’s super insecure to stand up for impressionable kids that are being taught that “in this circumstance, fighting is okay” and “in this other circumstance, fighting is actually really cool.”
Dirty checks are a form of violence in and of themselves. There is no innocent party here, and most of the guilt belongs at the feet of the league.
Curling, speed skating, figure skating, free skating... there are plenty of non-hockey options.
Esteban... could be wrong but that sounds Spanish to me. Why would a Spaniard support the NHL? Are there even rinks in Spain?
As you obviously know, the urge to “be like the pros” isn’t limited to the ice.
No, I grew up skating and think there’s something really magical about the rhythm of the ice. I want my kids involved in winter sports but refuse to let them play hockey. Same goes for football by the way.
I never really come to this place. One of my Facebook groups linked me here. I guess this is a site for jocks and meatheads so I doubt I’ll be back.
JFC this is pure torture. Casual in the sense that it’s normalized within the sport and not seen as a performative act as it is in the WWE.
So, the fighting that happens all the time in pee wee leagues is rewarded with cool penalties just like in the NHL? So strange that this hasn’t seem to have solved the problem of pee wee hockey fights at all.
Of course you bring futbol into this. Honestly sitting here laughing. I knew someone would. “Oh what about futbol, they kick people and take dives.” They. Aren’t. Fighting. They aren’t fighting.
either way.. that’s not going to happen.
It’s worse than WWE in my opinion. The WWE doesn’t pretend to be a legit, everyday sport. It’s clearly just entertainment. Hockey cloaks its violence with the “boys will be boys” mantra. It normalizes casual fighting.
Don’t cry because this never happened, smile because it should have.
Facebook has nothing to do with this.
“Everything I don’t like is Tumblr.”
I aaaalmost took your comment seriously, until I didn’t. Progress makes you uncomfortable. I get it.
I’m a man. A real man that knows the difference between right and wrong and doesn’t mind standing up for himself and for others. Grow up. Masculinity is a problem and you’re a pretty good example of why.