Liido Beach

No! Amateur players always look up to the professionals and that’s especially true with pee wees. The professionals are always fighting and pumping their chests like cave ape barbarians. Not cool, and not something I want my kids to idolize.

Team Nobody. Trump used XKeyscore to obtain the naked shots of Jeff and Jeff is the richest man on earth so I don’t care.

Terrible. And people wonder why nobody watches hockey. They need to clean up the violence. I don’t let my kids watch or play for this exact reason. Nothing but the most toxic and problematic parts of masculinity. Gross.

No, that would be insurance companies that don’t want to pay for modern medicine. 

1. Modern medicine works.

Every moment spent exercising is a moment not spent enjoying your precious time on earth. Every moment spent eating salads with grilled chicken is a moment not spent eating something more pleasing to your taste buds.

I would add that nutrition is a bogus pseudo-science as well. Fitness + Nutrition are a religious endeavor undertaken by self-absorbed social degenerates for the sole purpose of likes on Insta. Fitness is an obvious waste of time, but nutrition is an insidious pseudo-science supported by corporations so that we