
call me when even having a EV car makes sense to “heal’ the planet”
because right now it does not
EV power comes more from fossil fuels than renewable or the OTHER THING That makes FAR reaching sense NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then even building an EV causes more pollution in the long run than a gas

maybe because blacks commit a higher ratio of the crimes!

its simple—the makers of the shake/ice cream machines are 100% against the “right to repair’ and only want their techs to be able to fix the machines at 1000$ per hour or visit

yep almost as bad as when you cruse through any black hood and see and fat ass baby momma’s and their 8 to 10 welfare kiddies

Trump does not need a CDC rent moratorium to live rent free in your FUCKED UP head!

yep LIE and leave out the fact that those teachers died ON/DURING summer vacation and NOT AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Season 13 for a show that has been running since the early 60's???
somebody can’t count!!!!!!!!!!!!

There’s literally nothing to do there & no reason to go, and you don’t even get the satisfaction of the putting in the effort

So I guess you’d never be the guy to sail with any explorers in the 15th century? or ever?

better than ALL your staff’s writing past or present!
I am not joking!


nearly a year after the election and TRUMP scares you all SO MUCH he is living rent free inside your heads! 

lesson learned kids ...DO NOT SMOKE POT if you ever need to piss clean for a job!

okay now do the last year of Burn/LOOT/ MURDER riots and PANTYfa riots

whiteness explained....