
well the real reason with this is....Not only do people of color have less access to brains or logic because of how they were raised====is the REASON why they are getting sick

Prime examples...100 plus person kids party broken up in LA by cops with brains

Oakland...morons are having car meets and racing round burnout

Or the extremely LONG 150 year long history of Black blaming ‘whites’ for every failure they ever had as a race or person!

I might listen to a homeless advocacy group that was NOT in cali where a home costs 600k!
If you are homeless in Cali....FUCKING move to another state where housing is less than 100k for a good home MORONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cali’s big issue is free handouts attract vermin, who want a free ride and the FACT they don’t

nope its more to do with the FREE handouts and the FACT that BASIC laws are not enforced in the state...because you know Feelz might get hurt

Its OKAY Joe just leave off the part about the police chase, ramming cars and driving right at the cop that shot him....just the ‘new’ normal for your agenda media these days!

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

you all want ID and background checks to buy a gun...but NO ID’s to vote???
illegal voting is more dangerous to US society than guns will ever be!!

please be consistent about ID’s....and make sense once an-awhile

wow 75,000$ or the equivalent of a regular joe dropping 75 cents!

you do know he is worth 25 million! so 75k is parking meter money to him

Biden puts her on the ticket is a 100% win for Trump...yes Abrams sucks that bad

Abrams does not have a payer!

this is what happens when a city and state blows its tax dollars on illegal aliens, welfare recipients and the fucking shit covered homeless from 20 other states!!!!!

tell me I am wrong?