
I was raped by nearly every Dem in congress and senate and Obama!

it all happened over 30 years ago, I have no proof but FOX news just like CNN, or the lib media like this page will believe me....for only one reason —-trying to hurt trump
so lie away Gridley, damn the facts, full media cycle ahead!

Hey (nudge) Ham Old might want to read the news or listen to the radio...Trump JUST DID back down from a war you post a blog on the net and missed that?????

Point one...its THEIR  FUCKING money —they earned it and now via the DNC you want to STEAL it for BS....simple

My mom ‘was a single mother’ and she started out ironing shirts at a laundry (ohh and she is WHITE you little BITCH!) saved what little she could for schooling....went to class got a better job and BOUGHT THAT took well over a decade! BUT shit got done, all DONE without handouts from the ‘G”!

WHY GOD why do black americans vote DNC...when the DNC gave up on them as a voting block decades ago???
Keep punching yourself in the DICK every 4 years...the DNC does not care about our nations black vote...they want that stack of nice shiny new Latino votes they will get by making illegal aliens =legal! 20 million

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

YOU are NOT in a “””””concentration camp”””” OR a PRISONER....when you can choose to LEAVE at anytime and GO BACK to your HOME NATION

everyone there has that CHOICE...I know its not inline with ‘lib logic’ BUT its true...the illegal aliens can go back home via walking like they did to get here!

nice straw 20 clip..

AR’s don’t use ‘clips’

and just so you know the AR platform can be ANY caliber you want including all the popular hunting calibers...

nice to hear...but your family is not the end all be all of the 2nd amd


So? Joan its better to be unarmed, ‘Woke’ and rape bait

then to have a gun and a fighting chance to live?

let me guess, you are one of those that states...its better to SHIT yourself as a defense than to carry an EVIL VILE know ‘WOKE’ lib logic