
Strange....what I see is a well mannered teen standing there silently for the most part with his friends?
If this had been an ANTIFA thug, he would have hit the Native amer...over the head with a bike lock then sprayed him down with pepper-spray, then tossed small bombs at his buddies.

Please Please Please go on strike.....remember the last time a bunch of federal workers did that.....Reagan FIRED THEM ALL TO THE LAST!

all you will do is open the job market up to those overpaid, super high benefited jobs—-please go on strike!

and have fake news admit to shoveling shit all day and night for 2 years??

Is this OUTRIGHT LIE still on here....I thought you would have taken it down by now in shame....but I guess FAKE NEWS has to ‘hang’ with each other and snowflake hug it out....

doesn’t this post belong on over at ‘the Root’???

WOW the Trump hate is so deeply seeded you tear down your own....sad to see that the DNC rules over you so well

LOL ‘real people’ === an old HS friend of mine both of her kids are acting pros and do commercials all the time and I am sure you saw them....In one of these commercials of ‘real people’ that got ‘real pay checks’ for showing up to ACT!

HA the jokes on Black America....the DNC darn well knows it does not need the ‘black’ vote anymore with the FLOOD of latinos over the last 2 decades and all Blacks in America are now irrelevant as voters!

Turned into a Whole Food===what a senseless waste 

I can see it now

you know I don’t care if you are or are not LGBTQ or what have ya....but come on...not every third person is LGBTQ or what have y...enough already...sheeesshsh get over it!

its getting old...and almost sad...almost 1/4 of any DC/CW show is ‘LGBTQ or what have ya’ and now its almost a game for my friends to guess and

She already got the ‘black’ vote to be reelected= now what does she care about blacks now...nothing!
now she will put on the ‘other’ hat for the votes that matter in her and the DNC’s mind...and that is not the black vote...

Well then—call the DNC leadership, tell them ALL to give up their pay too! and then give in on the budget, what is 5 billion spent on a wall after we are ALL 21 trillion in debt???

So any chance of ‘the root’ or Natalie Degraffinried rolling back some of its or her nearly racist posts????