the aircraft would orient itself vertically, breaking the sound barrier for the first time.
the aircraft would orient itself vertically, breaking the sound barrier for the first time.
“Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads”
He didn’t arrest her for not putting out the cigarette. He arrested her when she refused to get out of the car, which he was legally allowed to do, even if he doesn’t have a reason.
Texas law gives officers the authority to arrest anyone for a traffic violation. The reason this doesn’t happen all the time is because departments have their own policies in place regarding traffic stops and arrests. While the arrest in this case may have been in violation of department protocols, that in and of…
She committed suicide. She alone is responsible for her own death. He might have put her in a situation where she decided to take her own life, but it was her choice. To sue him for her death is like saying that every person who has committed suicide was not responsible for their own actions. One of the major emotions…
I missed the part where they said that black people didn’t create the afro. And I missed the part where a white person kinking their hair connotes some ownership of the hair growing out of a black person’s head.
That statement made no damn sense. It’s like a bunch of buzzwords to trick people into thinking they know what the hell they are talking about.
One Day Ill get to post this joke first and then all the stars will be mine!
^ has never served
“Among other things, it stipulates that all parties have access to every piece of evidence, and that they be permitted to hire an attorney.”
Yes, because North Korea’s government is known for caring a lot about it’s citizens dying and being killed... I’m sure killing a lot of them would have been an awesome way to force the government to give up and surrender...
I was in a US Army combat unit for 3 years. Tank corps. You, sir, have absolutely no clue. Thank goodness most of us live out here in reality.
Dipshit... checking through his post history, I think he actually does believe that killing civilians is “the way to go”...
Vietnam as an example of a “win hearts and minds” type war where atrocities were not committed may not be the BEST choice...
Nope, the only modification to the Volvo’s in the stacking ad was to the suspension to prevent them from bottoming out. The cradles between the cars helped to distribute the weight so they could be stacked, but the bottom 144 is supporting the weight without any structural reinforcements.
Well she was a he going by the name Bruce at the time of the crash. I think it is perfectly reasonable.
FINALLY you people removed your heads from your asses and realized that this thing got someone killed because they didn’t pay attention while driving.
Oh, but he decided to put himself through this horrible public thing, so we should totally just let him get away with murder, right?
Oh yeah, and his step daughter made a…
Israel is really digging itself a hole, just as america did when it didn’t support secular pan-arab nationalism and instead exploited extremism because it benefited their cause.
Same thing Israel did with Hamas, propping financing and supporting them to put a wedge in pan-arab nationalism.
Same thing Israel is…
Two stroke diesels are about as simple as they get, look up Detroit Diesel 71 series. Nothing like a 2 stroke gas engine. However they need scavenging, they don't have an intake stroke, so the combustion air needs to be pressurized, typically with a blower/supercharger. Two stroke diesel has lower peak firing…