
Light skin truly gives privilege. She’s beautiful.

“Rae recalls a phone conversation with a network executive who wanted to make it into a pan-racial franchise operation”

The windshield is a guillotine to finish you off cleanly and mercifully in an accident. Sweet.

Don’t show Kara Brown on Jezebel or she’ll explode in fury over racist Clarkson spotting an afro.

That’s the correct diagnosis.

Don’t come in here with reason. It is fancy to hate on white people on Jezebel, you obtuse mouthbreather you. Now be hating too.

White people CAN have afros. Calling other people mouthbreathers but too stupid to even look up “afro” on wikipedia. The irony...

“Afro, sometimes shortened to ‘fro and also known as a “natural”, is a hairstyle worn naturally by people with lengthy kinky hair texture or specifically styled in such a fashion by individuals with naturally curly or straight hair.”

Meh. Only in the United States. In civilized countries, crimes like theft, fraud, etc. INCLUDING rape, whether on school or anywhere, are handled by law enforcement.

>>I would believe that every pyramid and the Taj Mahal are all giant rape palaces.

Only slightly less spectacular than Bill Weaver’s SR 71 breakup.

Why not make a connection to Hitler and go full Godwin while you’re at it? Never go half Godwin.

Were Saddam’s rape rooms not about as exaggerated as the WMDs and the mass graves?

Only goes to show that people know nothing about what quaaludes were - hardly date rape drugs and that the use of them doesn’t prove didley squat about any non consensual sex /rape.

Lmao. reminds me of the UVA rape hoax. Even if she wasn’t raped, remember the narrative is true: rape culture exists. Just admit you were wrong and she was not “suicided”.

“Put up or shut up”? Here you go: google: “Bruce Jenner seen talking on his phone while driving for the second time since fatal car accident”. I’ll admit it is the Daily Fail, but I’ll assume due to laziness that they’ve fact checked.

It’s not proven being on the phone was the cause of the accident, but IF it was (and even if it was not), driving while on the phone AFTER the accident would show utter disregard for what happened and for other road users. Repeat offense.

What is worse is that there are actual PICTURES of him driving while on the phone AFTER the accident.

We need a documentary on light skin privilege. Too many people still deny it even exists.