Adam Withers


I’ve been playing a Beastmaster Ranger as my MC and absolutely shredding. The changes to the beasts at level 5 in particular make it really come online.

Bard should get a lot more attention from players.

College of Swords Bard is fantastic: Good spellcasting (healer/damage/buffs), great combat utility with bows if you spec right (including ranged pushback), and bard’s get phenemonal dialog choices.

Also, since you’re CHA based you do fantastically on dialogue checks of

It also means a gigantic amount of largely wasted effort and often seems kind of clumsy in its own way. Not to mention frequently exclusionary.

Wyll’s Hex(Wis) is a good set up for this particular dunk.

I’m disappointed that this article didn’t make a “Tommy” reference. I assume he plays by sense of smell.

You do not have to distribute potions. You can simply open up the shared inventory screen and use it from anyone else’s inventory, even in combat. This applies to much more than just potions.

Just avoid the Steam forums for now. This is another game where the alt-right trolls are mad at it. Very toxic on the forums right now. Anti LGTBQ+ stuff. Racial stuff. Being mad because none of the NPCs are “Hot”(aka big breasted aryan bimbos).

Have you ever wanted to turn that humanoid enemy into a pinata but they keep turning you and all your friends into fresh corpses instead? Have you ever wanted just to get free crits with every melee swing? Are you tired of missing?

I’m sorry my take bored you. I’m a middle aged man with kids, a demanding jobs, and other hobbies and responsibilities that take up my time. Hearing that a game takes a bazillion hours to complete kind of bums me out, but I also grew up in an era when everyone actually finished every game because they weren’t that

Windows does not always mean steam.  Sometimes people specifically say “Windows” because its only on the microsoft store, or Epic.  So yeah, clarification would be good.  At this point, people just need to say “not on steam”

I like the label BUT I can see why fans of said subgenre wouldn’t. It does feel kinda dismissively snarky.

Oh snap, we’re getting another Trine? That’s great! I’m looking forward to a bunch of these. I wish there was an option for 15 to 20 hour versions of Baldur’s Gate and Starfield. The “This will take you 300 hours” thing is a deterrent for me. Just like there are one-shot D&D campaigns, I wish I could get a one-shot

If you’re having a quarter- life crisis now, you're gonna love what comes after 30... Especially 35. Good luck.

While this is true, it’s a much different experience without the terrible roll-to-move mechanic. It means everyone has a chance of collecting information and not just Greg, who always rolls SIXES while I KEEP ROLLING ONES!

Is it?

Clue, now that’s a good movie.

No matter how many times I play VI, I can’t get invested in the game because none of the characters have emotional depth or growth and there is zero political tension in the story

Not every gamer places heavy value on exploration. There are plenty of games like visual novels where you can literally just mash one button for the entire game to get through it, sometimes pressing “up” or “down” to make a couple of choices.

I acknowledge VII’s impact on the series as well as the fact that it was the first game in the series to be experienced by most...but from a story telling perspective it has nothing on the masterpiece that is VI, with VII being a confusing mess in comparison. I’ve played the vast majority of the FF games and VII does