Adam Withers

This is some next-level cognitive dissonance

Didn’t expect to find a gambling gatekeeper here. Are you saying a slot machine wouldn’t be “gambling” as long as it gave you at least 1c return each spin? Better not let the machine companies know this loophole to avoid gambling laws.

Just ask square Enix who had to kill two games this year that never turned a profit

Shipping culture can sometimes be too over the top.

I enjoyed Persona 5 enough to buy it three times, so I’ll at least check out Tactica, but maaan do I hate that particular art style.

That sucks. Unfortunately, you should only ever buy something because it does what you want already. Promises can sometimes lead to nice treats, but businesses can’t be trusted, even when they fully intend to make good. 

It is great that they posted this on Saturday - as they request you use their support system to make the request - which only runs Mon-Fri.

Just... phenomenal customer service.

Someone on Twitter (@Pierre_Chanliau) posted a statistic that I’ll replicate here: “Ms. Marvel has only appeared on 14 out of 646 pages and 37 out of 3204 comic panels of Zeb Wells’ run: The Amazing Spider-Man #1-25, Dark Web #1, and Dark Web Finale #1. Only 2.17% of the pages and 1.15% of the panels have Kamala Khan

7 Remake wasnt very long ago?


Yeah, this gave me the feeling I never had with SFV. There’s so much fresh ideas and changeups with the gameplay, the characters have the right amount of sprucing up, and the new look feels delightfully snazzy, light-years away from “are we sure this isn’t just SF 4.5?” SFV.

Seems like, in order to make a Gollum game good, you should start with when he’s just a normal individual. Do the tutorial there, with him fishing, hunting, maybe. Farming. Interacting with friends and family. And then have the ring sequence as a Quick Time event. Then maybe there’s a battle near his home, and you

The game never looked good. The developers could never come up with an exciting way to describe the gameplay: “You’re Gollum, and you do... Gollum things. Like crawling around caves in a loin cloth.” The graphics looked dated four years ago, when they first announced the game, and since then the graphics somehow got

Not the Polygon quote I’d have picked, when they also wrote:

Because the other pillar of WB’s strategy is still “throw ip at the wall”, until they either collapse or publish Space Jam: Every Character is the Joker.

I don’t think Gollum’s a particularly interesting character and I have no intention of playing this game, but there are compelling hypothetical gameplay scenarios that could come from the character. It doesn’t sound like that happens in this game though. What if you have a really cinematic game that focuses on

If you’re covering a game and getting directly paid for it, you’re not “creating content”, you’re making an ad. Even if it’s just an unboxing or a playthrough, that’s an ad.

For anyone interested in a Youtube channel that reviews board games without this kind of weird drama going on, I heartily recommend: Shut Up & Sit Down.

The kickstarter side of the hobby just looks like influencer culture and FOMO dialed up to 11.

Am I weird for not really enjoying the cameo fighters?