Adam Withers

This is useful in other ways, too. Games often use music to raise tension, but if you’re somebody like me who struggles with adrenaline levels and you find yourself unable to nail precise timings and getting frustrated to the point of rage, that tense music (while tone-setting) is working against you and your body,

Oh THAT’S what that is! At first I was like “Why is Homer wearing a green Brian May wig?”

Virtually no conventions have stringent pandemic restrictions anymore; few have requirements of any kind. Without the states providing them cover, they won’t do it. I suspect the challenge of enforcement as a private event when you don’t have the weight of state-wide or federal restrictions to fall back on and give

The biggest surprise for me was that so many people had such a tepid reaction to it. I figured, since Ragnarok was almost universally praised, and is still held in very high regard, this movie would kill, but apparently this was a step too far for people? I thought they were basically the same movie in terms of tone

Very well said, and I couldn’t agree more. There aren’t a lot of good ways to casually address a mixed-gender group of people, and suggesting that “guys” is an exclusively-male term is just ignoring the obvious (and, I’d argue, hard to miss) movement of language over the last several decades.

One of the most obnoxious things to come out of the TLJ discourse is this lingering insistence that the prequels were really good movies, actually. Like, in order to further justify their hatred of that movie, they have to convince themselves that actual bad movies were good. Now that inane view is all over the place

You get the bends from coming up too fast, not from going down.

You underestimate how much a person can hate playing first-person games.

Huh. I might just play my first Halo, now.

Sabrina was an atrocious, awful show and it deserved what it got, but I’m gonna pour one out for Teenage Bounty Hunters. Deeply cute with a great cast doing a take on that genre I hadn’t seen before, totally cut off at the knees before it could even get started. Whatever metrics Netflix uses to determine what shows

The point of diversification of characters and depictions has always been, at least in definition if not always reflected in the spirit of its advocates, that it’s fine to have a Mai Shiranui, so long as you’ve got other kinds of women (and etc.) too. Mai is great! Every girl looking like Mai sucks! Diversity includes

It may serve some value simply by informing people that there isn’t any point to it. I certainly wondered if there was something bigger going on, and I’m sure a lot of people would look at it and think there might be a statement here or some reasoning behind the meme’s explosion. Being told “nah, it was just a dumb

From your lips to god’s ears, friend. May we live the dream.

That’s a copout and not what “no ethical consumption under capitalism” means. There are always degrees, and the choice to allow yourself to live as a multi-millionaire is an immoral one no matter who you are. There may not be perfect choices, but there are definitely a lot of bad choices, and that still matters. 

But I also don’t see what the alternative is, realistically. Do people expect him to donate 90% of his income and live in artificial poverty for the sake of an image?

If you can’t live in comfort on less than $1 mil a year, you’re a greedy POS. Nothing wrong with making money, if you’re making it in an ethical way. There IS something wrong with hording that money. Give it away. Make a difference in the world. Get a 6-figure sponsorship deal? Give it all away. Get enough money for a

He shouldn’t have that money. That’s the point. NOBODY should have that money. If you can afford a $200k car, you can afford to have a $20k car and give the rest to charity or to support causes that might actually make the world a better place. If you can afford a multi-million dollar home and you buy one, you’re a

Season 1 actually was pretty good. I had low expectations, but it was a fun time. A mildly generic world, yeah, but the characters were well-written and well-voiced, the action was fun, and there was some good emotion beats. If it wasn’t for Arcane, this would be the show people were talking about in terms of “avoid

I gotta wonder if he really got knocked out, or if he was just smart enough to stay down and play dead. He took every ounce of that hit; might’ve decided one was enough!

Sounds to me like a job no sane human being would ever want. Jesus, can you imagine being responsible for communications with both shooter fans AND Star Wars fans? That’s, like, two of the most toxic cesspools of monstrous inhumanity on the internet! They should provide free therapy and lots of vacation days for any