Adam Withers

Maybe I’m an outlier or an anomaly, but I d0n’t ever actively use forums, and I am an active user of discord. But when I need a random question answered I google it, and I get the answer I need quickly because those forums are public-facing and available in search engines. Content in discord will literally never be

It’s possible that “mortality” is a typo and it was meant to be “morality,” which would make more sense in the context of the article and in society more generally. Obesity as a shorthand for some personal or moral failing has been present in culture for a very, very long time.

I’m an overweight guy and have often felt similarly about the body positivity movement. I don’t want to be shamed for my shape. I also don’t think it’s insensitive or wrong to suggest changes to my diet. I don’t think that a doctor suggesting an attempt at weight loss is medical bias. There are *obviously* harms that

I think it’s fair to identify a portrayal as overly tropey, especially when those tropes are grounded in attitudes towards people that can be harmful.

But also like... “seek to connect body size, mortality and food”? Those things... are very much connected. More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster. Those

There is no better response.

A room where people who are delayed can take their anger out on disruptive passengers (with padded bats)* would be a Shark Tank investment proposition.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

Neil Gaiman has been very vocal on social media about asking people to STOP sending him their fanfiction and ideas. Because then he has to be responsible for remembering it and not executing on any idea that occurs to him that is too close to it.

So he’s the guy I can blame for those shitty ‘Oirish’ hobbits that brought me back to bad old days* when anyone from my country was portrayed in media as some sort of drunk illiterate , forelock tugging tinker.Well fuck him then.

The “small guy” is a hack trying to make easy money and doesn’t have a leg to stand on. I’m all for protecting individual interests over a monolith like Amazon, but not all small guys are good people/in the right.

I know it’s already a lot for $21, but I wish Galactic Battlegrounds and its expansion were in here. Empire at War really fumbled the ground battles as I recall, at least from a balance perspective.

Okay, this is coming to the console versions, but what about PC? I’d like the option of the original soundtracks on PC, too, the bass just seems so lacking in FFIV.

And it used to be the basis of English education; Look up the Eleven Plus Exam. Deciding your entire education, and thus prospects at 11 years old. And from there, if you were sorted into Public (really private, elitest) schools you might find further classification into the Houses...

What I’m hearing is we need The Breakfast Club but with wizards.

Honestly Rowling has done a pretty good job of evening the reputations of the four houses, if you ask me. Back in the day if you claimed to be a Slytherin, people might assume you were bigoted, or at least too self-centered to recognize oppression. But nowadays you can pretty reasonably assume that of adults who still

One of the owners (Ian) was listening to Ben Shapiro in an episode, so you’re probably not far off the mark.

Imagine being such a legendary sh*tstain of a CEO that being reminded of your existence actually sickens your customers.

Yes, imagining that is exactly what I said I was doing in my last sentence.

I’m super glad you were able to cover this, Linda. You’re delivering a level of critical coverage of the tabletop gaming space that I think is desperately needed.