Adam Withers

I was reading and thinking about this and wondering to what extent people’s willingness to accept it had anything to do with the truly disheartening and troubling number of people who wank to incest porn or wank their emotions to angsty incest fanfic. I hate having to think about that or wonder about its effects on

I never said nobody should be allowed to do new takes on He-Man. I don’t care about that. I care about creators being free to do new ideas instead of having to be stuck repackaging old ideas forever just because the money won’t let them do anything else. 

You’re just wildly misinterpreting what I said - this show is fine, I’m sure it’ll do well enough, I hold nothing against it and couldn’t care less about what is done with old cartoon licenses. I only want creators to have the freedom to do new things rather than having to slap familiar names onto everything so some

Let them make something that’s theirs. Let them have some personal ownership over it. If somebody genuinely just wants to do their take on old stuff, that’s fine, but let’s not pretend creators are given a choice, here.

I’ve got no problem with this. Wonderful voice cast, some okay design work. Good stuff for kids. I just wish it hadn’t had to be tied to He-Man. Not out of some misplaced nostalgia nonsense, but because it has basically no connection other than a few random names and a kid who transforms into a muscle-man. It being a

And now most newly-signed artists get contracts that take away percentages of concert tickets and merch as well. I work in comics, I have friends in voice acting and music, I’ve spent a lot of time talking with actors and illustrators in other fields— there is no artistic endeavor a person can pursue at a professional

“Back in the day” - hahahAHA! The entire business model of the music industry is exploitation. Their contracts trap musicians in an endless cycle of debt and the lowest possible share of profits, designed to prevent them having to pay a thing most of the time. So many musicians get out of the business not because they

Welp, this is going to make it even harder to believe Katara would be romantically interested in little Aang. It was weird enough just conceptually when they suggested a 14/15-year-old girl would want to date a 12-year-old little boy, but when you see it in live-action... man... he’s just a little kid. He is not a

As somebody who’s drawn Guile several times, what I’ve found is that the more realistic you make him look, the more you have to tone down the height on the flat-top to make it work. What makes the Fortnite version feel so weird is that it’s using animated proportions, but the face has a lot more realism in its

I’m willing to get a new house if it means we also get a new republic. Preferably one better than what we have, but that’s a pretty low bar.

And Man-at-Arms is great in this! He gets some really good moments. I wasn’t big on him as a kid, but this turned me around.

He-Man is a deeply uninteresting character. His supporting cast was always where it was at. If you ask me, sidelining the boring lead and making the show about the people actually worth paying attention to was the right move. I’ll be disappointed when he comes back to steal the spotlight again; it’s a better story

I have no hope for this country, and little for the world. I don’t think we have the will or the determination to do what it would take to turn this around, so we’re just going to sail the ship off the edge of the earth and see what happens. We have huge problems, but like an alcoholic, we won’t recognize we’re in

Almost everything involving US copyright law is broken. I say this as a creative who relies on copyright protections to cover the work I produce: the whole thing is deeply messed up and favors corporate interests to such a ludicrous degree that it actively works against the principles the laws were created to protect.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s people’s capacity for advanced planning and willingness to endure minor inconvenience for the sake of others.

First person mod, eh? To paraphrase Ted Danson in The Good Place, it’s such a human thing to take something so great and ruin it just a little.

Why are you here? This is an article about a first-person mod for the game and yet you’re going off about some nonsense that has nothing to do with it. If you just want to complain about random bs to use the internet as your therapist’s couch, get a twitter account and scream into the void, don’t charge into an

“Girl” is a multi-use generic term for women that does not exclusively relate to age. It can, as when used like boy/girl (though boy is beginning to lose it’s age relation as well), but it is also the more broad match to guy. “Hey, guys!/Hey, girls!” The insistence that any reference to an adult woman as “girl” is

RIGHT?! It is insane to me that they could think a dozen spare hands and multiple faces and birds with different wing poses were more important than metallizing the g-d Silverhawks. It’s, like, their signature thing. It’s in the name. How do they not get that? And then they want me to pay $55? Hard pass.