Adam Withers

Why? That’s such an arbitrary viewpoint. One of the things that made Tim Drake such a great character was that he didn’t see Robin as a temporary stepping stone, but as a goal in itself; he just wanted to be the best Robin he could be. He really cared about the name, the role, and what it meant. Stephanie owned the

Blame the audience who are confused by (and therefore hate) nuance and think anti-heroes are the coolest thing there is. They think heroes are lame and boring and villains are awesome and “real.” They demand this kind of cheap, shallow pablum and it always makes money, so here we go again. I’m just waiting for the

And you are correct to feel that way. Joker is not somebody we need to or should be sympathetic toward. I can’t believe that’s something that needs to be said in 2021, but here we are.

I absolutely abhor this trend of “villains aren’t actually the villains” reworks. Some people are just a-holes, Cruella is one of them, and I’ve got no interest in a movie that’s looking to reframe her as some kind of aspirational glass-ceiling-breaker. I may understand why so many people are more interested in

For me, it’s that nobody makes that kind of RPG anymore— third person, action-driven, character-full, story-based, full of NPCs you really care about and starring a character you design and can make choices for that at least give you the feeling of it being *your* version of the story. No loot boxes, no grinding for

I enjoyed it! I think it’s a better movie than anything we’ve gotten before, though the ‘95 original might be more... fun? I don’t necessarily think this was a good movie, but I don’t think it was a bad movie, either. Great action, as everybody says. I liked the characters and performances, outside of the New Guy who

You say that as though any of the CW DC shows used any comic continuity in any but the loosest, bare-bones fashion. All those shows made up basically everything outside the premise, so I don’t see why Naomi can’t be at least that good off a solid six issues

Right? What’s the point of building hype for something this early when that very same hype is the greatest possible danger to your project? Just sit on it until it’s done. Once it’s out in the wild and passed around to all who want it, it’s a lot harder for anybody to shut down.

Waitwaitwait... so the argument here is that having GG doing vocals is... somehow... not making the song even better? Is there anything that Gottfried’s dulcet tones don’t improve? I’d listen to him cover anything! Highway 61 Revisited, Born to Run, The Joshua Tree, Black on Both Sides, the Family Ties theme song...

There is no chance in heaven or hell that any convention springs for the money it would cost to provide every artist and dealer with plastic sneeze-guards for their tables. Rubber gloves for attendees... maybe. You can get those in bulk for cheap. But people would have to be changing them every so often because

More than 30% of Americans say they won’t get vaccinated; maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but I’m not making assumptions. There’s also a percentage that can’t due to preexisting health issues. When it comes to this pandemic and all the halfwitted douchebaggery associated with it, I’ll believe good news the week

4. We will have increased sanitization and cleaning with enforced physical distancing throughout the event.

I have no capacity for excitement about DA4. There are a lot of reasons, but probably the easiest way to put it concisely is this - the gaming industry no longer seems interested in making the kinds of games I most enjoy playing, and almost every major trend in gaming today is something I don’t enjoy. For DA4 to be a

I’ll go one further and say that DA2, flaws and all, is the best Dragon Age game. Part of that is because the other two are also extremely flawed games, even if people don’t want to admit it or those flaws didn’t bother them for whatever reason. But I feel like everything I love in Bioware games - deep, interesting

No, she doesn’t. One time - once - on first arriving at the citadel, she says it’s hard to know which are sentient species and which are animals. She doesn’t say all aliens are animals, but that it can be hard to tell who has intelligence until they announce it. Which is 100% fair when you have species like the hanar

Ash isn’t a racist. She says a couple things early on about not trusting the council races - a mistrust grounded in very recent history and not at all unfounded - and everybody misinterprets it. There’s an entry from a much longer, very good retrospective on ME that I’ll link to below that does a good job of debunking

I wish I had even a sliver of faith that any of this testimony would mean anything. I don’t see any chance that this guy faces any consequences for what he’s done. Executes a man in broad daylight, in public, on camera, and he’ll probably get a Fox News gig out of it. I just have no hope in this world or its people

Oh, god, Rise of Skywalker. No other time have I ever sat in a theater in the middle of a movie and become angry with how much I hated it. I was physically upset by how bad that was. But, at the end of the day, I think Star Wars survives for me. I’ve loved too much of it for too long, and already had some of the bloom