Adam Withers

You can’t do it. Can’t bring me back; can’t make me care. I’ve got a whole mess of GoT blu-rays on my shelf that will never get watched again because knowing how badly that mess ends ruins every second of it. I still hold that the first four seasons are among the best television ever made, but, as the smart man

I wonder if this early version didn’t have a central message that basically said “Hey, both sides! You victims are equally to blame for your suffering as the people who betrayed and hurt you and continue betraying and hurting you to this day! They don’t even owe you a proper apology because, gee, isn’t it really kind

See, it’s this shit right here - what makes you think that a story about how online ridicule led a man to contemplate suicide is the right forum for you to air your petty grievances about his films? It isn’t just you - almost every comment here is some variation of “Yeah, but _____ really did suck, tho...” You people

Pfft! Steeeve.

He’s the muthaflippin’...?

Twitch accused him of “harassment via username” and once again informed him that the suspension was indefinite—aka, a ban

Over the last year, video games have become the only fun thing I get to do. Everything else in my life is either related to my job or an obligation. Only for the hour or two at the end of the night when I get to play a game am I doing something purely for the fun of doing it. I don’t get to see friends, I don’t have

This whole “I’m mad because my crazy fan theories didn’t come true” thing is getting about as bad and as insufferable as the whole “I’m mad because my shipped couple didn’t become cannon” thing.

Have to say, though, the last episode REALLY highlighted that extended fight scenes have become the most boring and incomprehensible part of marvel movies. It’s just all people straining their faces while colored lights fly around them or the get hit with things that may or may not kill them and it’s completely

It’s also kind of the idea behind “teleportation death,” in a way - if all your atoms are broken apart and you’re reassembled somewhere else, is it really you? Or just a copy of you? Did the real you die and a perfect duplicate take your place with all your memories? Can we even know?! It really ruined teleportation

The Ship of Theseus is a famous thought experiment. How much of a thing can you remove and replace before it’s no longer the original thing anymore? Most recently used in an excellent scene in the finale of WandaVision.

There are certain kinds of challenges I can still enjoy and which feel worth the struggle - I like strategy games and had fun with Darkest Dungeon for a while, and oddball things like Rock Band (which I only played on extreme). But, generally, I just don’t have the time to waste on dying over and over without making

Lack of agency is an excellent point. I just finished both Spider-Man games on PS4 and was deeply frustrated by how often the bosses removed all your abilities, gadgets, and tricks. You’re swinging around like a lunatic, struggling to keep track of where the enemy is, and none of the things you’ve spent dozens of

The closest I’ve ever gotten to a Soulsbourne game is Jedi: Fallen Order, and I played it on easy and loved it. And that’s as close as I ever intend to get to the Soulsbourne world - nothing about those games sounds fun to me!

Time is one of the biggest reasons I get so stressed out during difficult stretches of games. I’m almost out of my 30's; I’ve got an hour, hour and a half maybe to play games in the evening. If I look at the clock and see that I’ve been stuck at a boss for the last 40 minutes, my brain explodes at the idea of having

I personally love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with killing a particularly hard Dark Souls boss or solving a late-game puzzle in The Witness.

The entire run of Ultimate Spider-Man is a treasure that still holds up. It’s relatively timeless, and I’ve gone back to it enough times to feel confident saying it’s worth it. There are some dips here and there, sure, but it’s never a bad comic. The worst it ever gets to is “solidly okay.” I think it’s the best

Grind only narrowed to mean “grinding for xp” later in its life. The original usage of the term was simply to mean slogging through any dull, repetitive actions in a game over exhaustingly long periods of time in order to advance. And, by that more full and proper definition, spending hours dying to the same boss to

Ethan mentions it’s the type of thing that grinding DOESN’T help, but instead you need to play with your strategy.

The problem is you’re suggesting the use of a corded electrical appliance to people whose problems are currently and quite famously defined as not having any electricity.