Adam Withers

The best part about the opening is that it completes a circle for the game’s story and your experience with it. After you beat it and experience the ending, coming back to the beginning again is so much more powerful and emotional. It’s such a simple, humdrum way to begin a story, but it is perfect for this game and

Every time. Darren Korb is one of my favorite game composers, their soundtracks are always fantastic, and I want them to have my money. 

The first time I entered Eurydice’s chamber in Hades and heard her singing, I stopped and listened to the whole song. The first time I came back home and heard Orpheus singing a melancholic version of the same song, I stopped again. When I heard them sing together, I just put my controller down and called my wife over

Finally! A year-ender where I can whole-heartedly agree with every game on the list!

There is no amount of pain he could suffer that would be enough for all the suffering he has caused others. Nor the damage he has done to our democracy and our nation. He is a shameful embarrassment, a monstrous human, and a heartless, craven fiend. “Lower than a snake belly in a tire rut,” as my father used to say.

I think we’re in agreement. Good talk!

I think they’re all part of the same package, used by the same people for the same purpose. They’re terms used to terrorize any man who doesn’t adhere to their narrow definition of “masculine” behavior. The intention is to shame you into being like them because they hate that you’re different. The goal of using them

Okay, that’s a hard disagree on what “clearly does not” need to be done. People who use simp and cuck and the like as pejoratives need to be driven back into the black holes where they come from. They are toxic pieces of human garbage and can’t be made to disappear fast enough. While it’s absolutely disappointing when

Okay, but the point is to criticize the lack of action, not to pretend like actions taken weren’t needed. In your example - the problem wasn’t that the cop intervened in the second instance, but that he ignored the others. We can hold them accountable for bad action or lack of action and that’s fine. Your way (and the

It doesn’t have to be a small title to be left to die; I weep every time I think of the support EA/Bioware has given Anthem when they completely abandoned ME: Andromeda, a flawed game that had a great deal of potential. If they’d invested in that rather than Anthem, it could have been a great success story and maybe

I think this is a good thing to do, and I think that what these communities want are also good things to do. Insert “Why not both” gif.

The #1 reason I’ll never play this game and I’m not kidding. If I can’t see my character doing cool things in an RPG, I’m not even a little interested.


Welcome to capitalism - where good ideas go to either be crushed by unfair markets or to be ruined utterly by their own success.

Oof, yes. That hits close to home - I was only recently looking over the Fortnite Marvel designs and really enjoying them, feeling disappointed that they were for Fortnite and not a game I would actually play.

I have seen many images of this game. I have never seen the character models look any better than this. If, at some point right near release, they finally started putting out good looking images, the damage had already been done. But, as I said, I have never seen screenshots from this game that looked like quality

Word up. Just take a look at the main image for this article - does that look like a quality game? Look at their hair. Look how dumpy Cap is. They couldn’t get the licensing for the MCU versions, but they refused to let it go and come up with something truly their own, and so wound up with these bootleg knockoff


Most of the ones I’m talking about were never meant for arcades (at least to my knowledge) - Maximum Carnage and Death & Return of Superman were straight-to-SNES single-player sidescrolling beat-em-ups where the big problem was no ability to save or return to a previous playthrough. They started fun enough, but later

Gaaasp! I remember seeing an ad for this as a kid! Or maybe not an ad? Maybe it was a little side-note in a Wizard magazine? Anyway, I thought I had imagined it because clearly it was never released. As a huge Kyle fan, I was really disappointed - though, in retrospect, it likely would have just been another like