Adam Withers

This is the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long while and exactly the kind of story I needed today. Thanks.

That backlog is on PC, so no. I’ve never had a backlog of games on console that went back further than one gen (I just got a PS4 earlier this year, for example, so I do have some of those exclusives I’ve yet to get through) so even then I don’t have the experience of it being worth leaving old consoles set up “just in

Sorry, I never meant to imply it only worked like this on PS4 - of course there are people who feel the same about their XB. The only point was that people generally prefer to do as much as they can on as few consoles as possible; which console that winds up being will change from person to person, but most people

I think this is like most other media - people want as much of their stuff in one place as they can get. We don’t want to have to subscribe to thirty services when we could get one that has everything we want. We don’t want four consoles - we want one box to play all the games. If we can get most of what we want on

How much use does that PS3 still get? Do you boot it up weekly? Every couple weeks, but for a long, heavy night of play?

I don’t know about y’all but I can’t remember the year when the president wore nothing but Senegalese twists and microbraids because I know that little tuft of tinted billygoat’s gruff on his scalp ain’t costing no damn $70,000.

Sure hope that moral stand they took by refusing to vote for Hillary keeps them safe at night while the country burns.

Welp. We’re all fucked now. Thanks again, 2020, you miserable bastard.

I already said Iron Bull was the exception, but let’s look at the others:

Wait, wait, wait... you think the NPCs in DAI had arcs? Which character? One of the reasons I hated DAI and still think it’s easily the worst of the franchise is because none of the characters had arcs. Except Iron Bull, I guess, and maybe Blackwall (except he doesn’t have an arc so much as you find out he had one

Persona 4 Golden, and man it is... a rough experience. I played P5 for the first time earlier this year and adored it, and had a number of friends who said P4 was even better, so was really excited when it came to PC. Started playing it and it was extremely just alright. I’m deep into the game, coming near the end,

If you’re a developer who puts platforming into your first person game, you are a dick.

That’s why I called it the uncanny valley effect - it’s close enough to reality that all the ways it isn’t stand out and make the experience jarring, which makes it a less immersive experience.

The chances of a vampire game sucking are 100%. It’s what vampire games do.

Speaking only for myself, I find that first person actually harms my immersion in the story because it creates a kind of “Immersion Uncanny Valley.” All the limitations of playing a game are enhanced when you restrict the view to what I can “see,” because I can’t do most of the things I’d expect to be able to do in

Of the several nits I have to pick with Watchmen—a show I am still infatuated with—the most prominent (and also the pettiest) is that the murderous racists didn’t die violent and painful enough deaths.

Maybe it’s Freudian?

Starring for “Ammo-sexual.” Bravo.

Now playing

Mine is Terra’s theme from FF6, particularly from the Piano Collections soundtrack. It is just so haunting and beautiful and sad and uplifting all at once. Every time I hear it, it pulls at my heart and I get all emotional. Now yes, I am certainly a sentimental bastard who gets emotional probably too easily, but the