Adam Withers

Don’t buy it. Don’t spend money bringing something into your home that won’t make you happy. Every time you take Last Jedi off the shelf to watch it (or, you know, select it from your digital library or whatever) you’re going to see RoS staring at you, mocking you, reminding you that all that beautiful setup goes

Don’t buy it. Don’t spend money bringing something into your home that won’t make you happy. Every time you take

I mean, really it isn’t even a Chinese culture problem - it’s a rich people and capitalism problem. (Which is ironic in a supposedly Communist country, but there it is.) The Chinese government bends over for the wet markets because big business makes a lot of money on them and because rich people blow big money on

There are things in this world I do not want. Hearing “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” whenever Merrin is on screen is high on that list. This... this is what you’ve done to me.

Now THAT was a good headline.

And, in fact, sometimes the ONLY way to get people to wrap their heads around something new and different is to compare it to something they can understand. As somebody who makes comics for a living, pitching a new book to an audience at a comic con often requires me to say “it’s kind of like (insert popular thing

It isn’t disqualified - it’s literally the entire point: often, the pronunciation of an acronym is not dependent on the pronunciation of it’s component words, and the acronym is taken as basically a new word with a new pronunciation because of this. Other examples:

Dude captures an entire space station full of unknown alien weaponry and tech - tech which was known to be able to wreck the best ships of the Alliance -and hands it over to the leader of a hyper-racist terrorist organization. Renegade Shep wasn’t just evil, they were eeee-vil!

Edit: Not meant as part of a reply to you. Sorry!

There was nothing “lovable” about the renegade in ME 2-3. They were a monumental a-hole who did some truly monstrous stuff.

Warren/Sanders would be hotter.

So, you’re saying you weren’t kidding with your screen name?

Trump supporters are all either:

That is how he liked to be called, if I remember correctly...

You’re half right: Patriarchy is the problem, but it isn’t that it stands against touchy-feely emotions, but that controlling sex is necessary to control women. For a long, long time, sex was pretty much fine in Western societies. There was love and romance and marriage, sure, but marriage wasn’t believed to

Thanks for the recommendation! I’m much more of a story-driven guy than an open-world type; I prefer a more focused, character-driven experience. But I’ll give it a look and see!

And that’s one that’s just not my genre at all, so I’ll be fine! There are definitely more games I’ll try eventually, but I want to work through this pile first before getting ahead of myself. I don’t want my PS4 pile to look like my Steam library. XD