Adam Withers

I game like the Tortoise - slow and steady. I play most nights, but I only get 1-2 hours at a stretch. The five games I got could last me the rest of the year! But it’ll be a good year. And you’re right about the price - I got the system and three games for $200, then picked up P5 and Spider-Man for less than $20

Having not owned a PS until now, and having not really paid any attention to it, I had no idea whatsoever such a game existed until I started mentioning to friends I was playing Persona 5. It literally did not exist in my world until I owned the game. Maybe I’ll wait until three years after everybody stops talking

Best in the franchise.

I picked up a PS4 for Christmas; as is typical for me, I finally get the “new” system on the eve of the next generation releasing. But I got one and a handful of the “must-have” games. It took me this long to unbox and play because I had a few games on my PC backlog I wanted to finish.

Ah, I meant that as more tongue-in-cheek than accusatory, sorry. And, in fairness, the door swings both ways. In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, and in all the reading and conversing I’ve done with and about people who choose not to have kids, you often feel a little under attack in this culture. In most western

Nobody says they don’t want kids because having kids will destroy the planet, man. They say the planet is already screwed and is getting worse and they don’t want to bring kids into that. You have the whole causal supposition sideways. Don’t take everything so personally. Yeesh... people with kids can get so hyper-sens

Or maybe don’t judge either one because their choice doesn’t affect you and why they made it is none of your business?

I don’t think it’s fair to say that under all circumstances. People do change, their wants and desires change; this isn’t a one-size-fits-all dealbreaker. Especially if you’re getting together when you’re young.

I’m not a big fan of the Gamecube controllers (that button placement was always weird for me) but this looks so, so much more comfortable than the joycon.

A couple notes:

“Hostage” is definitely the feeling when a tyrannical minority enforces its will on the rest of us, denying our rights and slashing our constitutional protections to enrich and empower themselves. They don’t believe in democracy, they only believe in themselves and will do whatever they have to to get their way, then

If that kid hadn’ta done what I told ‘im not t’do, he’d still be here today.

That would cost more money. And they might qualify for benefits and other advantages if they’re “staff” and not “freelancers.” Many industries tie themselves in knots trying to keep as little actual staff as possible, farming out whatever they can get away with to avoid paying real wages and bennies.

I prefer the line “A man can never cross the same river twice. It isn’t the same river, and he isn’t the same man.” We have to accept that we aren’t the same people we were when we played those games the first time; we’ve seen too much, played too much, lost too much of our innocence. Sometimes the reason you can’t go

That’s good to know. I just want them to be happy after all the happiness they gave to me. 

I hope this isn’t the last chapter of a sad story. I grew up on Sierra games-- Quest for Glory was my gateway into roleplaying games, and still one of my most beloved experiences. I genuinely hope they are selling the house for happy reasons because it would break my heart to find out this was some dark ending.

The thing I think a lot of VR supporters are missing is that some people - probably a lot of people - simply are not interested in VR period. It’s not just that it’s expensive, though there is that; it’s not just that there aren’t enough exciting games, though that doesn’t help. It’s that they do not want the

Sounds like the only person assuming anything about other people is you, friend.

Man, some guys have all the luck. I’m paying around $850, and I am lucky. Bought a foreclosure when the market was really low. Last year, a couple bought a house down the street from me that’s half our size and paid twice as much.
I used to rent at a place around the corner. When I started there in 2004, it was around

Right? I was surprised by that myself. But yeah, average mortgage payment is a little over $1000 a month.