Adam Withers

Those same people have watched VR largely stagnate for years as nothing of interest has come out and nothing exciting enough to garner wider public attention has happened. The reason they’re saying “How could you do this?” is because it will be one single game they want and then the VR set will just sit there

Don’t know where you’re from, but where I live $200 is a lot to ask people to pay for a device that (so far as things stand right now) they only want for a single game. It’s a steep entry price unless you’re awfully well-off. The average American household takes in $60k per year, while paying an average of $12k/year

they want justice (...) victims want vengeance.

Oblivion is my favorite film score of all time. When I hear it, I just feel transported. If this game gives me those vibes, it'll be worth it.

So, could you tell me about Loom?

Oh, absolutely. And not just limiting in terms of talking to strangers, but also harshly strict about interactions with the opposite sex. For a stunning number of people in that culture, the only person of the opposite sex they will have any meaningful interaction with for the majority of their youth/young adulthood

In “fairness,” incest is a major fetish in Japan. Like... disgustingly major. It crops up A LOT. And it’s stunningly casual, too - like, if they’re *only* cousins, it’s hardly even remarked on. If it’s a step-sibling? Forget it, they are going to f*!#. Can’t be helped.

So it’s how the ‘10s imagines the ‘80s imagined the ‘90s.

The thing that bugs me the most is their insistence that there’s no good drama in a loving relationship, as if everything interesting just stops once you both commit to each other. Beginnings and endings aren’t the only good parts of the story, dummies. Committed, healthy relationships aren’t boring - lazy writing is

ended like How I Met Your Mother

I want this game badly. As somebody who is about to celebrate 19 years with my wife (it’s our 50/50 anniversary - 19 y.o. when we met, 19 years together; from here on we’ll have been a couple longer than we were apart) I have long wished more fiction and games would focus on lasting, dedicated relationships rather

For one thing, our cartoons were a hell of a lot better than what people have to put up with now

This was the same night he sat next to Chris Tucker to “prove we aren’t the same person,” right? That was a hell of a show.

Which means I can use Cassie Cage to beat the ever-loving sh!t out of Vic Mignogna. Sounds like a win to me.

You’d have to endure a mountain of high-fives and back-pats.

That would cost them money and time in designing and modelling. DOA DLC is all about the cash grab. Did you see the Pirate themed DLC where there were only two outfits with palette-swaps per gender for 26 characters? Yeah, time and money are not things they’re willing to invest, here.

Not always the case. I was a skinny guy who hated my body and my appearance from childhood into my 20's, and now as I round my latter 30's and start seeing 40 coming on fast... I am still a skinny guy who isn’t particularly proud of his body but has mostly learned to deal so long as I never, ever go to any place or