Adam Withers

It’s really disappointing that these small, cropped pics are all we have to go by. Several of the cosplays are such tight headshots you can’t really appreciate the quality of their work. It’d be nice if there was a gallery we could go to that actually showed off how great these look.

Thank you! Evangelion is an uplifting story that drags you through hardship and pain so that the revelations at the end feel truly triumphant. But then the movies come along and ruin everything beautiful about it.

I’m just trying to point out the difference between a design being boring and you feeling bored. Your subjective experience of the thing doesn’t define its objective quality. If more people were saying things like “I wish he was more this or more that” or “He’s too much like Luke” or whatever, that’s fine. You feel

You’re talking about stuff that we can’t get from such brief slices of an unfinished game. We have no idea how he’s going to interact with the world and characters and story, or how he’s going to feel after spending 20+ hours with him. It’s far too early to categorically declare him uninteresting based on a couple

All I’m saying is I wish people would stop saying the design is boring or uninteresting. It’s not. It might not be what you’d want to play, or something that excites you personally, but that doesn’t make it bad design. It’s something different and has a lot of personality and character, it just happens to not be what

Then it isn’t true to say he isn’t interesting or is a “boring” design. He just isn’t what you want. Which is fine, but I don’t like labeling something as bad design when it isn’t. If everybody was collectively saying “I just wish this wasn’t another white guy,” I’d have nothing to say - that’s a fair complaint to

The problem there is familiarity. HZD was all new, so characters revealing culture through design was fresh and interesting. We’ve seen so much Star Wars that we know how it looks and feels. If a SW protag deviates too far from what we expect to see, it “doesn’t feel like Star Wars.” If they reflect the culture and

I keep seeing comments like this and I have to wonder, what exactly would “more interesting” look like to people? Because I find this design to be fantastic and way off the beaten trail. He looks nothing like the bog-standard protagonist you get in every other game - he’s slender, a little drawn, has an interesting

I generally agree with your overall point that you can appreciate and respect things you don’t like. I wish more people could take that view. And, even as somebody for whom this series is my all-time favorite anime, I 100% understand why people might not like it and have no problem with that.

With Madoka, as with NGE, all movies released after the original series should be ignored. In both cases, they completely f* up everything beautiful and affecting about the originals. Just watch the shows and be happy with what we were given without getting greedy for more.

Might not matter. In fact, it often doesn’t matter. When it comes to copyright, whoever has the most money wins most of the time.

SAME! It was when Rhaegal all of a sudden get’s triple-critted out of the sky for no damn reason out of nowhere with no buildup or meaning that I sat up and said “oh, f* you!” I went from being frustrated to being upset, and by the end I had actively turned on the show. I don’t think I’ll be able to enjoy the end,

Some fans only think that because they had Tyerion question her.

I was extremely disappointed when Jon Targaryan was confirmed. I hated that theory so much. It just flew in the face of everything GoT was, and guaranteed the kind of nonsensical fake drama between him and Dany that we have now. I, too, fell in love with the series for it’s breaking of expectations and pushing away

Damn. That’s just... very well-put. It crystalizes a few things I’ve been thinking but hadn’t been able to nail down as well. Thank you for that.

It really does feel like a misogyny thing, doesn’t it? Like, I don’t want to go there because it’s a heavy accusation, but Dany hasn’t done anything all the male heroes haven’t also done - Ned, Robb, Jon - but when she does it it’s suddenly horrible. The moralizing only kicks in against her. She demands respect and to

Oh, the people she’s burned like all those slavers, brutalizers, and evil men? The people she crucified had themselves were slave-trading pieces of shit who crucified hundreds OF CHILDREN. What they got was justice.

God, I wish this wasn’t such a good joke.

What utter nonsense. Mereen was nothing but opposition. It was a long, difficult slog to try and create some level of peace and eliminate an evil economy and an entire class of wicked, evil men. She has suffered and struggled so much that nobody can ever use the word “spoiled” where she’s concerned. She earned

I would argue the execution of the Tarlys was the right thing. By standing strong in that moment, she may prevent a lot of other deaths as people are now aware it isn’t worth trying to test her or count on her being some weak little girl they can manipulate. Sometimes a display of strength early prevents having to use