Adam Withers

This is the problem with more or less all of Marvel comics; none of the writers get to focus on just telling a good story because everything is always in service of or reaction to the current “Big F’ing Event.” It makes it hard to enjoy, especially if you have no interest in the larger meta-narrative.

He sold it better than Rock selling a stunner.

It does not get better. There are good things about it, and I can understand how people like it, but it’s terrible. It’s just so unrelentingly nihilistic and mean-spirited. It keeps contradicting its own ideas over and over, setting up concepts and throwing them away, and then ending with the gall to try and claim

I’m trying Tyranny for the first time. I’ve watched the resurgence of iso RPGs from a distance; I remember loving Baldur’s Gate like everybody else, but the whole style of play struck me as an adult in the modern world as being kind of... boring, honestly. But I thought I’d give one a swing since there’s nothing else

Which is great. I enjoy it and am glad they do so. But the headline of the article is “The Biggest VIDEO GAME Disappointments of 2018" not “The Biggest Gaming and Internet Culture Disappointments.” I’d have no problem with broadening the scope of the article, but if you want to do that then title it appropriately. For

As I already posted in a reply to someone else:

If that’s what they were intending, I wish they would’ve at least tried to make that connection in the write-up so readers could understand what they were getting at. I still think that’s a huge stretch, and there were plenty of other video game let-down moments this year that would have been better to remind people

Look, I am normally not at all bothered by video game adjacent content on the site. I like it. I’ve enjoyed the Tumblr coverage here. But Tumblr being a site video game enthusiasts enjoy doesn’t make it a “Video Game Disappointment.” I mean, fans of Netflix Marvel shows probably have a huge overlap with gamers, but it

I’m all for broad inclusion in topical discussions, but how exactly is Tumblr banning fucking and thus fucking itself a “video game” disappointment? Disappointing, sure, and still a fresh wound for many, but where’s the connection?

AGREED. It makes CG animation look like stop-motion. And something in the way they did some of the foreground blurring and colors made moments feel like watching a 3d movie without the glasses. There was a lot to like in the way ItSV was animated, but there was a lot that actively pained my eyes, too.

One of my favorite parts of this movie was actually a really small one most (white) people won’t notice or think about - when Miles is being Spider-Man and has to put on a fake hero voice to avoid being recognized, he doesn’t do a white voice! He’s trying to sound like an adult, but like a black adult. Like, his whole

...For your entertainment.

I know it’s escapism for some, and there’s no judgement here, but I just can’t do it. I can mow down legions of human beings (or big scary monsters) in games, but I still can’t bring myself to feel anything but uncomfortable and shitty when hurting animals. It just feels too wrong and I can’t get past it.

I wish there was a toggle switch somewhere to denote whether a created character is lore appropriate or ridiculous, and thus allow us to choose which characters we do or don’t run into randomly in multiplayer. I’d rather not randomly run into a giant lizard dick out there in the wild.

He’s a pretty effective fighter, because I’m certainly dead over here.

I’m still grey so probably won’t be seen, but this so connected with something I was just reading this afternoon that I wanted to share it.

Or maybe I just have a different opinion about a TV show? That was a seriously unnecessarily aggressive response.

Alternatively: The emperor has no clothes.

I’ve had 11 episodes of patience. It has moments of brilliance and an overwhelming excess of mediocrity and wasted space. The moments of brilliance are only just enough to keep me going, but I grow more exhausted and frustrated with each episode.