Adam Withers

Good gravy. As somebody watching Twin Peaks 2017 for the first time right now, the whole f’ing Dougie Jones storyline can burn in hell. This whole season is like sitting through season 2 all over again - 90% utterly unwatchable and pointless, with 10% so good you only get more angry that it wastes so much of your time.

Rowling is the George Lucas of her age. She stumbled onto something that defined a generation of people who, right or wrong, look to her as the keeper of that mythology— a mythology that grew more interesting in the early post-book days, but which has reached levels of “STOP SPECIAL EDITIONING US TO DEATH!” There are

H-hail Hydra...?

Oh, I completely agree. They never should have let themselves get backed into this corner to begin with. A lot of other games without stories can develop fun, engaging characters to play without crossing that vague line where they’re so engaging that everybody needs that story so badly they start making up their own.

I agree with you 100%, but I also recognize the hard position Blizzard have allowed themselves to be backed into. They’ve let head-canon reign for so long that there’s almost nothing they could do with a story that wouldn’t risk enraging that oh-so-dominant minority of seemingly all fandoms these days who will riot in

These sprites aren’t bad, but I was always more of a Coke guy.

That’s a more than adequate compromise!

I would accept it. Reluctantly. A 3DS would be better.

I mean, obviously. The fact that there isn’t already a dog for the assist trophy is mind-boggling. How will we ever know who’s a good boy?!

Finally! I’ve always gauged the completeness of Smash by whether I could play every character from Captain N: The Game Master. If we allow Peach to stand in for Princess Lana (due to the pink, obvs) then all we’re missing is a giant, floating Game Boy and Captain N himself. What do we think are the odds on that one?

The only way I can imagine it working that would be any kind of satisfactory would be if you still get to pick your path even as the direction of the story shifts. For instance, in Mage v. Templar, you side with Templars but the mages “win” the popular vote. In your game, you’re still with the Templars, but now the

I had no idea that Boba Fett was such a good boy.

I would add that it’s difficult to make a case for the transformation of language when all you’re really doing is going from “You’re terrible because you’re gay” to “you’re just terrible, generally.” That’s not a real transformation of language or terminology— you still intend to use the word the way it’s been used

Another great exception to the rule. A totally out-there idea that’s just fun as hell - in part because of how different it is and because of how its differences allow a totally different kind of spin on traditional gameplay.

Every time I see people do alt-sports concept design work, I wish video games would be more willing to try some out-there takes on sports games. I suppose the venn diagram of people who spend a lot on sports games and people who love any/all other games doesn’t necessarily have a lot of overlap, but to see a studio

A lot of people throwing out a lot of great suggestions, so I’m going to go for a more dark horse candidate for one of my all-time favorites: Transistor!

That’s why I said “almost” all the ship designs. Some gems exist (the Ebon Hawk, the Chiss Claw-fighter, some others) but the vast majority were a total dumpster fire.

Eesh. Every now and then I’m reminded just how garbage almost all the ship design in the old EU was. It’s just so bland and thoughtless and bad.

Little known fact: John Coltrane worked with a rat on A Love Supreme. He was inspired by its fluid improvisational technique. It inspired Miles Davis, though he preferred to work with mice.

I mean, they don’t not poop, but they are highly trainable. They actually think a lot like humans do - not on our level, obviously, but in a similar way. It’s why they’re used for so many scientific tests; they’re one of the closest creatures to our thinking process short of apes.