It’s a nickname. Her full name is
Pelessaria B’SaylePeanut Butter.
It’s a nickname. Her full name is
Pelessaria B’SaylePeanut Butter.
“Official” and “Officially” are not the same things. Furthermore, even if she was, talking with devs about game design isn’t censorship. People throw that term around way too much these days, usually in reference to not getting to have a thing they want. People were interested in her opinion so she shared it. Maybe…
I can’t speak to the current problems, or current management I suppose since everything’s turned over so often lately, but I can say that this hotel has been a huge pain for event organizers for quite a few years. I was in contact with the owners of a comic convention some years back who had no end of trouble getting…
She bared her bare hands to lay bare the barely-beating bear heart she would bear to her master, which was more than he could bear. Later, she bore a bearded boar aboard a board, which was boring but just barely above-board.
To make the human female squadmate another dusky-skinned brunette with a bun and a tough no-nonsense attitude would be a complete rehash of Ash. I’m kind of surprised anyone could look at that art and not see Ashley in it. With all the other superficial aspects of this game people refuse to let go, it would have…
That one looks like a clone of Ashley Williams. Glad they went a different direction.
Frequently, people believe themselves to be a persecuted group even though they are actually the ones doing the persecuting. It’s possible somebody could identify with the stories/themes in X-Men, not realizing they’re much more Senator Kelly than Professor X. Happens all the time, all over the world. Everybody wants…
Cora’s suit isn’t just tight & light to allow freedom of movement - it’s designed as a hybrid of Initiative armor and the armor worn by Asari Commandos, with whom she served for most of her military career. It’s a way of showing both sides of her background in one design, and is one of the better in the game at…
Hear! Hear!
I can sympathize with Bioware for how difficult this situation was. The character is a barely-encountered NPC who could easily be missed entirely by players. If they had buried this aspect of her story behind a lot of layers of getting to know her, I’d be surprised if any but the smallest percentage of players would…
I find this exceptionally blah. The dude-bro Aquaman is not encouraging, and the attempts at humor (“I’m rich.”) mostly manage to satirize things you don’t want your audience paying attention to. The effects look poor, the action choreography is same-old-same-old, and I genuinely can’t believe I can not want to see a…
He doesn’t even have to fly! He played in Florida; if he stood on the beach and used a telescope, he couldn’t see Morocco across the ocean. Hell, I live on the West Coast of Michigan and I can’t see Illinois on the other side of the Great Lakes because of the curvature of the planet.
‘Member Zelda? Oooh, yeah... yeah, I ‘member! Waitwait - ‘member flying rafts?
I’m trying to see how this won’t make the game better.
It isn’t hard to understand: every girl’s crazy ‘bout a shark-dressed man.
I see this sort of phrase a lot. It got bandied about quite a bit when Skyrim was at its peak. It’s been said of GTA. Probably been said of most open-world kinds of games.
My DVD copy of the Aliens extended cut has to be wearing thin by now. Whenever I’ve got somebody over and they haven’t seen it, I know what we’ll be doing for the next few hours. Nobody ever complains. :)
Aliens is one of a handful of movies I can watch anytime, anywhere, and love every second. I could watch it weekly and never get tired of it. It’s as close as any film can come to being a perfect movie.