That one looks like a clone of Ashley Williams. Glad they went a different direction.
That one looks like a clone of Ashley Williams. Glad they went a different direction.
Cora’s suit isn’t just tight & light to allow freedom of movement - it’s designed as a hybrid of Initiative armor and the armor worn by Asari Commandos, with whom she served for most of her military career. It’s a way of showing both sides of her background in one design, and is one of the better in the game at…
Hear! Hear!
I can sympathize with Bioware for how difficult this situation was. The character is a barely-encountered NPC who could easily be missed entirely by players. If they had buried this aspect of her story behind a lot of layers of getting to know her, I’d be surprised if any but the smallest percentage of players would…
‘Member Zelda? Oooh, yeah... yeah, I ‘member! Waitwait - ‘member flying rafts?
I’m trying to see how this won’t make the game better.
It isn’t hard to understand: every girl’s crazy ‘bout a shark-dressed man.
I see this sort of phrase a lot. It got bandied about quite a bit when Skyrim was at its peak. It’s been said of GTA. Probably been said of most open-world kinds of games.
I would watch an entire show about Madoka’s mom. She was fantastic. The whole family dynamic in this show so perfectly, subtly upended all the anime family stereotypes!
I haven’t bothered with the movies because the show was perfect. It didn’t need expansion, and that ending was so blissfully sublime that undoing it with a cynical “there are no happy endings!” kind of twist so ruins the entire point that I can’t stand it.
Sayaka all day. She was the best, if also the most complicated. That scene on the train when she confronted those guys about the way they were talking about some girl they knew? Loved it. Sayaka stood for both my idealism and my cynicism at the same time and died for it.
Glorious list of my second favorite girl from my second favorite anime of all-time. I still give most of my love to Sayaka, though - her tragic tale of wanting to be a hero, giving everything you have to making the world a better place, only to grow increasingly disenchanted with the s*-birds you’re slowly killing…
I’m in the same position. I’ve got a few menace dungeons left to do, but I’m debating now whether I should wait until the level cap is raised so I can bank some sweet XP off the remaining ass-kick I have before me. It’s feeling like I ought to put the whole game on hold and dink around with something else for a month…
Every time they talk about how big and expansive Andromeda will be I shudder. I would much, much rather a more focused, narrow experience with a great story and deep character relationships than an open-world mess with tons to see and nothing fun to do.
8 was one of my favorites in the series, and I would love that in HD.
I absolutely hate any game that expects me to die over and over just to figure out how to play. Screw you, game. Learn to use context-based education. Dying to learn sucks and feels like a huge waste.
Random encounters are perhaps the biggest reason I won’t replay any of my favorite classic RPGs. I’d love to experience their stories again, but the thought of slogging through so many meaningless battles is a nightmare. You’re on my Murtaugh list, old-school RPGs.
DA2 is the best of the series. It isn’t a popular opinion, but it’s certainly mine. Give me a linear experience with a story I’m invested in and characters I love over an open-world grind any day. What’s the point of being able to go anywhere on the map I want when nothing seems worth doing?