It was an ocean many miles wide and about an inch deep. Beautiful to behold, plenty to do, but nothing of real worth.
It was an ocean many miles wide and about an inch deep. Beautiful to behold, plenty to do, but nothing of real worth.
My brother. We are of one mind.
Same. My fury when the final charge to the boss fight was just a brief cinematic then skipping you ahead immediately to another dragon fight (that wasn’t much more interesting than the dozen other dragons I’d slain by that point) and then the final guy and boom. Done. No tension, no struggle, no cool set pieces.…
I’d call the Shards worse because it took so much more time and effort, but most of the questing in DAI was a pointless time-sink.
It was a few belts that upped elemental resistances. All of which you already had better versions of by the time you could get them. And the boss was just another Pride demon, so it didn’t even lead to an interesting story or fight. I was confused the whole time, and then furious when I realized that was all I was…
Dragon Age Inquisition. I could be cute and say “All of it,” but I’m particularly thinking of the Shard Collector quest. Rarely have I invested so much time for so little payoff. It became a metaphor for the entire DAI experience to me: invest nearly 100 hours and find that none of it really pays off.
I’ve started “sharing” photos to Facebook. You can upload them as private images so others aren’t seeing boatloads of FF pics in your feed, then copy that gallery into your computer or onto a flash drive or whatever. That way I can keep all the photos I like, prune back the 150 in my game and keep clicking away.
Spoken like a PS guy. ;)
Here’s an excuse: I don’t have and can’t afford/don’t intend to buy a PS4. Use this headline again when a Yakuza game comes out for PC or XBox. ;)
“Genres with more women emphasize Completion and Fantasy (the top 2 motivations for women). And genres for men emphasize Competition and Destruction (the top 2 motivations for men).”
Showed this to my wife, Comfort:
Showed my wife Comfort the pic.
Stars for a quality comment that managed an Eternal Sunshine reference. One of my all-time top 10 films. Possibly even top 5, depending on the day.
If they weren’t racist, sexist, cruel-spirited, or greedy themselves, they were willing to vote for somebody who clearly is. Obviously, those traits are not repugnant to them, and they see that sort of person as being a fine fit for the Presidency. That makes those people just as bad, and certainly complicit.
Especially if you’re wearing spiny blue pants. That’ll REALLY show ‘em.
A bunch of half-naked little turtle guys waggling loose junk at their enemies. This is Mario’s world, now. I’d prefer the psychological horror of hurling skeletons at each other.
So they’re throwing their pants at us? That’s better...?
They just don’t know what’s good. Tori Amos spoke like hell to me as a teenage boy; I had Boys for Pele on almost continual repeat throughout age 16, and Cornflake Girl is still one of my all-time jams.
While the political storyline is great, the pacing is horrible. Everything up to the Deep Roads flows pretty nicely - it’s a measured pace, but it’s interesting and you feel like you’re accomplishing things. Then, right around the time you’re feeling like it’s finished and are ready to move on, they throw you into the…
If Disney Infinity had just been little mini statues/figurines and not connected to games, and had cost $5-10 each, I’d have bought almost all of them. Especially the Star Wars ones.