Adam Withers

Does shapshot get you good results? I’ve considered taking it, but wasn’t sure it was worth the AP & time to use in battle. Then again, I almost never use any of Prompto’s Techs, sooo...

Or it’s branches and leaves covering everything. Drives me nuts! I’ve never gotten a single decent pic of a summon, and only one good shot of one of the amazing fights with the super-huge monsters. It’s disappointing, though I’m going to try again in NG+. :D

Y’know what? Maybe we should show the ultrasound. Once you see that that thing isn’t really a tiny baby inside you, but a barely-formed wad of goop undergoing cellular multiplication, maybe it would reduce the guilt a bit? Just trying to make some lemonade out of all these lemons coming our way...

That’s some H.R. Giger business right there.

I actually really like saving the photos of my Noctis beefing it hard. Keeps me humble. One of the first shots I saved was of my first open-world fight, getting thrown like a rag-doll by some beastie. Now, whenever I wreck dozens of soldiers like they’re nothing, I can look back and see how far I’ve come.

Here’s a story, and I’ll try to be brief (sorry in advance, as I suck at brevity):

Part of the Revelations prophecy in the bible says there will be peace in Israel for a period of time leading into Armageddon. Many lunatic right Christians genuinely believe that bringing peace to Israel will help spur along the end-times, which they desperately want to see in person.

God... dammit.

Agreed on the value (I can never watch the theatrical cuts anymore) and the frequency of sales. I got mine last year for around $30, and see that sale fairly regularly. On the other hand, I had to wait a LONG time to see the Hobbit extended set get down under $40. That seems the more rare sale item.

Agreed on the value (I can never watch the theatrical cuts anymore) and the frequency of sales. I got mine last year

I’m right with you, TM. I play a couple hours a night and have been enjoying the hell out of it. I haven’t played a FF game since 8 when I was a freshman in college, and I’m really glad to be back with one that’s so much fun.

Ice try, Blizzard.

Yeah, but there’s a proportionately higher percentage of people who play and love Overwatch compared with other games. Of course it’s going to get more coverage. Even if you hate the game, what’s the point in wasting time and energy making snide commentary at people who enjoy it? I don’t like Pokemon, but I’m not

If your opinion is that people shouldn’t be able to play a game they like (but which you have never played and doesn’t impact your life at all) because you don’t like the way they have fun, then my opinion is you’re a prick.

Not even playing Dishonored 2, but I just solved it myself because I enjoy logic puzzles and something about this one tripped my interest. Took me maybe 10 mins or so, but I also used Manga Studio to make notes and then cut/paste them around the page as I puzzled out the information which likely saved me a lot of

Word, man. XBox player here, and getting on my chocobo takes ages. Last night I was trying to get off my chocobo to gather some fire energy, and it was a farcical mess of jumping, mounting, dismounting, and never quite finding the hairline spot where ‘A’ absorbed the fire instead of the dozen other things ‘A’ is used

I really want to be able to star your post more. I feel like that statement could be the slogan of this election. We should put it on shirts and wear them everywhere. It should run as a banner before every episode of the great but sometimes pacifying comedy-news shows. Assuming everything is shit is just as dangerous

Alright, so obviously FMA didn’t have a sad ending, but Death Note? Really? I’m so glad that little shit Light got what was coming to him! He was the villain of the story - him losing was the light side ending! There was nothing depressing about him going down, and that he was so thoroughly outsmarted was icing on the

Yeah, sure, but will it be any good? We’ll see...

You aren’t old, that’s just the MvC style. It’s always been a game filled with too many colors, too fast animation, and too much stuff happening at once. I’ve never been able to get into it because of it’s hard-to-follow frantic pacing. When you’re the one doing the stuff, it’s a little easier to follow what’s

It definitely does. I learned to play in high school and was in a band for a while, but adult life didn’t allow much room for musicianship. When I started feeling like music was a part of me that I didn’t want to lose, I picked this up to try and get my chops back in a more fun way than plucking around in silence. It

It definitely does. I learned to play in high school and was in a band for a while, but adult life didn’t allow much