Adam Withers

There is no logical barrier to gif = jiff. There are a ton of acronyms where we don’t use the pronunciation of the composite words. Laser is pronounced “Lay-zer” even though, by your logic, it should be “lah-sir.” We pronounce Scuba “Skoo-buh,” not “Skuh-baa” and Taser is “Tay-zer” not “tay-sir.” So there’s nothing

Titanfall is all about combining tight shooting controls with parkour and Titan integration to provide gameplay experiences that feel like a giant set piece, as you go from wall running and kicking someone to jumping in your Titan to being ejected from your Titan but rodeoing another Titan, etc.

I will never understand why people have such a shitty attitude about other people liking or not liking things. My wishing Overwatch had a story mode or being glad Titanfall 2 is adding one doesn’t impact your life in any way whatsoever. I’m happy you have games you like - why do you have to be so unhappy that we ask

...Some people would clamor for multiplayer in sp games. Some people did criticize Wolfenstein for not having mp. People were upset when AC dropped multiplayer. This is not a one-way street.

I don’t see why it’s hard to understand. Some people prefer a single-player campaign mode to multiplayer. A game might look cool, sound fun, and have a great style/aesthetic, but if there’s no story then I’m not really interested. It doesn’t feel worth it to me, personally. I’m not at all against multiplayer games,

My wife and I still drive a ‘99 Corolla. Over 200k miles and maybe a couple thou ever spent on repair. This little tank could go forever if we didn’t need something a little bigger these days for storage capacity.

Loving all the Banner Saga stuff in there! A real nice range of subjects chosen for these pieces.

They tried a Kickstarter for it, but it didn’t work. I know I’d rather play it on PC, but I wouldn’t want to lose the huge catalog of songs I’ve already bought for XBox. Seriously, if/when I buy an XBox One, it will exclusively be because of Rock Band. There hasn’t been a single other console exclusive that I’ve cared

I know it’s worth doing, it’s just a matter of having that kind of spare cash lying around to invest in one game. When the time comes, I’ll be glad to pull the trigger.

I’ve been hugely disappointed that I wasn’t able to support RB4 at launch. As a huge Rock Band fan (who dumped hundreds of dollars on song DLC and still plays RB3 3-5 times a week), I wanted to be able to help show there was still interest out there. But I still don’t own a next-gen console - after switching to PC

this is a rare time when I can see my skin color and body type represented in a game of this size and caliber in a way that is undeniably awesome.

I regret that I have only one star to give for this post.

Except in Predator, it was the evil alien that had the trophy room. In XCom, we’re supposed to be the good guys! This isn’t like hanging deer heads in a hunting lodge; these are sentient beings, some of them very human-like. I can’t imagine it would be at all comfortable or inspiring to the troops to have to see that

It’s been such a huge disappointment. It feels like the art design department for the DLC is a completely different group than the core game, and they’re building stuff for a whole different game. Not only does it clash with everything else the game is doing, but both DLCs customization options are ugly eyesores to

The biggest disappointment for me was the aesthetics of the new soldier mods. When I heard “take the alien ruler tech and make unique, super-powerful armor,” I thought it sounded awesome. When I saw that you’re literally just wearing their skin like a suit, I cringed. It looks awful. You wear the snake head like a

Hell yeah, it holds up! I played this for the first time when it was released on PC recently, and when it finished I immediately played a second time. It’s got a good story, great characters, a wonderful variety of soldiers at your command. The game excels at the more subtle, inferred kinds of storytelling, with

...And drone controls are a laggy mess waiting to get hacked or EMP’d or outmaneuvered in the field by real pilots. There are a lot of reasons drones are inferior to pilots. A strong air force is going to use both in the specific instances where one or the other is the best fit for the mission.

Well, you certainly got the unique design language dead-on. It’s great looking stuff and I’ve never seen anything quite like it. And thanks for the lengthy response - I love getting into design theory and hashing out concepts. Maybe we come to different conclusions, but that’s why art is so fun!

The point here is that this act is harmless. It is utterly without harm. All the author is suggesting is that doing dumb but harmless stuff is something you ought to be able to get out of your system as a teenager so you don’t get older and progress to doing dumb and harmful stuff. You learn your lesson with the

There are certainly a lot of reasons you’d want a pilot for certain tasks, but if we assume their necessity then why leave their limbs hanging out like that? They’re left really vulnerable for no benefit that I can see. In fact, their movement is so restricted that I’d think it would make them less effective too. So