
“Having someone who doesn’t handle a car without bumping into things drive a Liberty scares me.” But I thought that described like 90% of Liberty drivers anyway...

I was about to say, if she’s that bad at driving there should be some supplementary lessons going on. It’s one thing to get fender benders or go over curbs (not sure the exact situation here) but if she’s getting in serious accidents the solution isn’t “cheap car.” She could be killed (or kill someone). Driving is a

Wouldn’t it be great if they made headphones that didn’t require power and could be directly plugged into the phone? Furthermore, the cord that connected these headphones to the phone could also be used to ensure they would never be lost!

As much as I love food more than the next guy,

Unless that tortilla lands in a guacamole field, or crashes into some humus,

It’s not going to be very tasty.

“There were over 30 guys who tried to attack me. HUGE guys. Big. All of them were foreigners. They all said they voted illegally. I won this state you know that? by a huge margin. they didn’t like that. All 60 of the people who attacked me from that car said they were illegal hillary supporters. but I talked to

Tremendous assassins, the best, real bad hombres... we’re gonna build a wall around my motorcade and we’re gonna make them pay for it! #makemotorcadesgreatagain

Trump tweets about escaping assasination attempt in 3...2...1

“The Hugest Assasination, really dangerous guys. You wouldn’t believe how assasiny they were. Some guys I know , really top guys, were assassinated by these guys.”

Corpus Christi. Corpulent Christie. It’s easy to get them mixed up.

I was wondering about that after watching the video where the venom seems to appear near the tip of the tooth. But, that’s gotta be low enough to expect it to be inside of you when bitten.

Could it be that the venom is super efficient to compensate for the fact that only a little gets inside?

I’m 38 and I’ve been through I the only one who thinks this is being way, way overhyped? It doesn’t get THAT dark, it’s cool to look at for a few minutes, but a “seminal moment in your life”? Really? It’s an interesting phenomenon, but hardly a milestone on its own.

Float glass is barely recyclable, uses completely different methods than bottle glass, can’t be cost-effectively cleaned and separated from contaminants for reuse so it just ends up as backfill at best. Regular trash is fine.

They’ll probably just eliminate the department entirely.

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Months late but...

The thing about hard AI is that humans will almost certainly not “invent” it so we won’t actually know when it’s “really here”. Intelligence is not a top-down construct, it emerges from the bottom up.

Except the problem with flying cars isn’t that we don’t have the technology to make a flying car. We totally can make a flying car, but do you trust people with a flying car? People suck at driving in 2D can you imagine them driving in 3D?

AI is here, just not what you think it is. We are at a Basic AI (Think Siri, Alexa, Watson, Etc). The next step is a AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Once AGI happens, ASI (Artificial Supper Intelligence) is anywhere from a few milliseconds away, to years away depending on who you ask.

A machine doesn’t need to pass a Turing test to put you out of a job. It just needs to do it faster, more accurately, and cheaper than you do.

We could have flying cars today. Its possible. People have put prototypes together before. Its not all that difficult. The difficulty comes in with air traffic control, safety, and licensing...not with being able to create a flying car.