
I bought this monitor a while back, and I can highly recommend AGAINST buying it. It’s easily by far the most frustrating experience I’ve ever had with a monitor. The menu controls are crap, the port setup makes no sense whatsoever, switching inputs is incredibly frustrating, it would constantly just “stop working”

I bought this monitor a while back, and I can highly recommend AGAINST buying it. It’s easily by far the most

Have you driven one lately? They got a big upgrade around 2012 or so. My wife’s 2014 Unlimited is wayyyyu beyond the 2007 she had.

Ok - here’s the questions everyone is afraid to ask:

“Lyon is accused of being aware that the Flint River had higher than acceptable lead levels.” - so why is this INvoluntary? 

Good start, but everyone from Rick Douchenozzle on down who was involved in this decision needs to be indicted.

Where are the charges against Rick Snyder?

I get your snark. But you could easily regulate from the side of the government. The companies are not profiting due to lack of corporate regulation... they are profiting due to lack of budgetary oversight.

I own a ‘72 Coronet, the Dodge version of this, so I’ll throw this out there. I respect this design a lot, especially the four door sedan. These were designed around ‘68(?) or so, with no idea of what was to come throughout the ‘70s, from 5mph bumpers to the (anticipated) rollover standards that temporarily killed

The waves never break! It never resolves! Gaaaah!!!!

That’s not... quite how LCD displays work.

As an ABD with no more funding, I’ll be spending the summer working two (luckily on-campus) jobs while trying to come up with time and energy to research and write-up my last chapter.

But, yeah, otherwise, woohoo summer?

Spartans Will. (2004, telecom)

There is only one Data.

The 5th amendment still applies near the border. 4th’s protection against unreasonable search and seizure apparently doesn’t though, which is fucking wrong.

Only the Fourth (which isn’t actually suspended, just that the act of crossing the border is considered consenting to a search and questioning).


In Alaska, it’s required to contact the local airport if you wanted to fly a drone within a five mile radius of said airport. Which, with few exceptions, tends to be the entire town.

Nice! Someone finally found a use for Pepsi.

Cassini begins streaking through Saturn’s atmosphere... barrelling downward trying to keep its antenna focused. After minutes of intense heat and buffeting, the probe loses its connection.

A cohesive Kurdistan would be great, but good luck getting Turkey and Iran to go along with it.