
“This is exactly why I am such a strong advocate for people being allowed to openly carry guns when visiting zoos.”

Yes, of course. Do you have any idea how much money there is in ‘treating’ the symptoms for which the same group of people are responsible for causing in the first place?


Because then employees would be looking out of their Windows at Apples....

“There Aren’t Way Worse Ways Online Blogs Can Display Pages”

What we NEED is for people to pay attention. This is a “solution” to a problem that already has a solution.

Why fix your broken ice breakers when you can kill the EPA and enact measures that will quickly melt the ice in the Arctic ?

Wow. An automated Shibboleth tester.

I appreciate your kind words! I hope/think you are right about the funding cycle. The R01 start date is supposed to be July 1, but I think we are in unprecedented times! It sounds like the NIH has been in disarray for a while. My PhD student got a very good impact score (19) on her F31 fellowship in June 2016, but

They’re also amongst the largest air polluters on the seas.

“If an engine is running, you see a white blur or a hypnotising twirl, depending on the rotation speed of the engine.”

Now playing

No matter how good the robot is, it’ll never match the awesomeness that is Igudesman & Joo.

Yes, in fact he has separated 10 twins, and only two have anything like a normal life. The other eight are profoundly disabled, or dead. Many of the doctors, nurses and techs around him were very concerned about the risks he was willing to take, some called him reckless or unethical. He also had a habit of pronouncing

Using a gouge doesn’t generate a lot of sawdust. Mostly chips.

Lena Yelagin

Although perhaps not relevant to the current story, Republicans ARE in favor of scrapping the CFPB, deregulating corporations so they can take advantage of consumers, allowing payday loan places, for-profit schools and the rest of the scummy companies to do whatever they want with little oversight or protections for

FUN FACT! There are a great number of place across the US which happen to be in “neighborhoods” but not in cities! In fact, just a hair under 50% of the ENTIRE US population lives in such places!

Tripod Mode Engaged:

I think most elephants can reach the ground with their trunk. Most pics I’ve seen, it looks like elephants curl their trunks up whilst walking.

You see, the ground they sleep on has two levels. A lower one where they stand, and a higher one they place between their legs where they rest their chests.