
Okay, well that’s your opinion and you’re free to express it. Personally, I’d rather not have Gizmodo turn to utter shit. It’s probably way too late for that, though.

One other thing I forgot to mention is that games are one instance where the programming tends to take poor advantage of additional cores. It’s pretty rare for a game to take full advantage of 8 cores, most of them are either very single-threaded, or might take advantage of 2-4 cores, but to put all 8 cores to good

It should.

Yeah, honestly I was trying to keep it rather brief. Also, I have a hard time reading everything that she writes because it’s so stupid so sometimes I skip a bit.

Why is this comment so far down the list? Is there no justice in the world?

Orange is the new alt-white.

A Cheeto-esque Midas touch? Horrifying

My father in law says he won’t go to other countries because they are all dangerous, and he can’t bring his gun.


Then 30 year old Sheldon would would be forced to find an oil lamp to light the way for the chambermaid to bring the jizz mop to the master suite.

If only Mr. Adelson had pulled out 83 years earlier.

Yo Dawg!!.....

High speed rail makes a lot of sense, it’s just that you poor Americans have never really seen it. The Acela Express reaches the dizzying speed of 150mph for nearly 30 miles, but the rest of the time it’s not really any quicker than the trains that were traveling the same rails 80 years ago.

Many countries have trains

And preferably pissed on too...or so I’ve heard.

A pit probably wouldn’t have even been necessary. It’s obvious he’s on top of a brand new windslab in steep terrain. It was a poor decision from the start, and I’m sure there was safer terrain nearby. His partner, coming down skier’s right, didn’t trigger a similar slab. Also, the fracture begins propagating

If I got caught in an Avalanche,

I’d lose all my street cred.

Well there’s the rub. I’m not an American. I just live here. When I moved here from the UK in ‘98, I was working with a guy with one of those college rings. I couldn’t stop staring at it! It was similar to working with someone with a huge wart on his nose.

“We’re spending billions to drop a tube out of an airplane that’s not even very nice, set it on fire, and shoot it into space filled with metal balls, probably made in China, and they could fall on us any day. Russia did it better! Sad!”

I eagerly await Donald Trump’s analysis prior to any known facts. I surmise that Pence is a flat earth sort of guy, but I don’t know about Little Finger.