
Pretty sure the ladybug wasn't just a reference to Ashi. It was supposed to show the life and beauty of the world that no longer has to fear Aku and is now free to flourish.

I'm coming to terms with Ashi's death given that it looks like Genndy wanted Jack's ultimate victory to come at a huge personal sacrifice. That's why the Guardian got killed off. But I would have killed to see Jack and Ashi have kids.

I have to agree with that score. While I'm grateful the story has closure, it felt too rushed which makes it frustrating since Genndy honestly had a blank check for how many episodes he could make. I was actually filled with dread when they went to the past because I knew it'd mean Ashi was going to die if Aku died

If there's one thing that perfectly sums up Ailes, it's his last name. I mean it's Ailes for the love of God! As in "Here's a cure for what ails you." Charles Dickens couldn't have thought of a better villain name.

It took this long because it had to be a natural progression for Ashi and Jack. They couldn't just fall in love the moment she tried to kill him. Given what I said about them saving each other's lives and all of the traveling and bonding they've done, it makes sense they'd fall in love after everything they went

Because unlike the other pairs, Jack and Ashi are virtually equals. Even though Jack is clearly the better fighter, Ashi is able to slaughter an entire orc army by herself barehanded which is no small feat. Both of them gave the other their lives back before they made a suicidal mistake and they're both eternally

Okay, normally I'd give reviewers the benefit of the doubt when they give something I liked a lower score. BUT YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT THE LAST MINUTES OF THE SHOW WERE BORING?!!!!!
Those were an incredibly tense 10 minutes as Aku revealed he actually was Ashi's father and could control her to do his bidding. Now Jack's

Why the hell do ratings still matter to him? You can't do anything with ratings when you're in office like charging higher advertising rates.

You should really change that part claiming "many interpreted as homophobic" to "many alt-right trolls who can't take criticism of their cheeto dust faced scam artist Russian puppet of a leader interpreted it to be homophobic".

If this episode took place today, I would have thought that Kim took lessons from Sally Yates on how to throw questions and answers back in someone's face to make them look stupid.

That was him? I watched that show for a bit and never realized that it was him.

What has Billy West been doing ever since Futurama ended on Comedy Central? You'd think a guy like him would be in demand to do any role offered to him, but I haven't really seen his name pop up in the last few years.

He's got no experience when it comes to that though.

Even though Jack gave her his gi, what are they supposed to use for the other type of "protection"? I don't think Jack ever thought about buying a pack of Trojans? And like most strict religious Moms, I bet the High Priestess never told Ashi about the pill.

Hate to sound like a typical angry commenter, but you obviously don't know the proper way to level up Sojiro early on. You need to make him coffee and then talk to him another day. Do this for ranks 3 and 4.

Shinya's gun skills are the best because they can cause a guaranteed critical hit for enemies with no weaknesses. He also doubles your ammo limit.

Why make Morgana #1? Do you have ANY idea how many nights of activities you lose because he keeps forcing you to go to sleep?

I have so many things to say after reading this article. But first off, Iwai doesn't sell real weapons.

Louise went soft a long time ago when we found out she goes to the pet store with her Mom to play with the puppies.

She's not dead. Trust me on this.