
This has got to be one of the worst trailers I’ve ever seen. The only thing worse is the Youtube comment section where they blame the Jews for this.

Trevor Noah was completely right about Mike Huckabee. All he can think about is food whenever he tries to make references to something.

You forgot the greatest Rick of all!!! It was The Rent is Too Damn High Rick from the Debate!!

Well if this doesn’t work out, MacFarlane could give his old boss Genndy Tartakovsky a loan to bring back Sym-Bionic Titan (if they manage to get around Cartoon Network’s Legal Dept due to being written off for tax breaks).

I seriously don’t understand all of the positivity about the finale? Lynch had all the time in the world to finish things up and he wasted it on Cooper having sex with Diane and dragging out the driving sequences. If you think the final scene was great, that’s fine. But why not finish the plot threads that people have

So are there still people who are claiming that the writing for the dialogue is pretty bad now? I mean I can sort of see it during some parts, but I’m not entirely sure it’s horrible.

Unintentionally. I only realized it after I typed it.

Unintentionally. I only realized it after I typed it.

I honestly hate the "I don't have time" excuse because my Uncle uses it relentlessly for managing his business and it's so annoying when it's obvious that his actual problem is not having good time management. In GRRM's case, I'm willing to believe he has too much on his plate.

I honestly hate the "I don't have time" excuse because my Uncle uses it relentlessly for managing his business and it's so annoying when it's obvious that his actual problem is not having good time management. In GRRM's case, I'm willing to believe he has too much on his plate.

Heh, noob. :P

I hope people won't complain as much as they did when IGN switched to Livefyre. There was this group that was so obsessed with keeping Disqus that they switched to a smaller site called Gamerant. At the time, they thought they were building up a new site that could rival IGN and they were praising Gamerant every day.

So we're likely getting no explanation for why Jeffries is a tea kettle are we?

I honestly don't get what art critics are looking for in a painting? Even though I suck at drawing, I thought they were pretty great. What separates a great painting from a terrible one?

The fact that Google isn't willing to stick up for itself and its employees is pretty cowardly. All they had to do was reassure any employee being threatened that they weren't going to be fired for anything these idiots online threatened to either expose or do to them and even that wasn't something one of the world's

BTW, Donald was talking about the Spear of Selene. Selene was the Greek Goddess of the Moon.

There was an Easter Egg in the first part to the first series. They were hiding behind one of the Giant Gold Coins in the Giant Golden temple in the five part series premiere for the first Duck Tales. It was when the Ghost Pirate and Headless Horse were attacking.

If ANYBODY complains about the animation, show them this article about the original Duck Tales where the author complained the animation wasn't as good as it was back in 1934.…

Anybody else think that the news reporter looks like Plucky Duck's Mom?

Am I going to have to deal with people here who have set their Nostalgia filter to maximum and won't give the show a chance because of the animation being different from the 80's version?