
They're not doing it out of respect for Mako and it would conflict with the new voice for Aku.

The High Priestess is such a hypocrite. She told Ashi to avenge her sisters when she imbued in all of them the philosophy that death is failure and the weak didn't belong in Aku's world. With that way of thinking, there was no need to avenge any of them because they died due to being weaker and it was just the natural

He meant addressing him specifically.

Genndy said the Portal Guardian would be addressed at some point in the season. He hasn't been addressed yet.

Yeah, it's like he's embodiment of evil or something?

What do you mean we didn't need to see the details of how Jack lost his sword? If we didn't know, it would have been one of the biggest unanswered questions of the revival and the fans would have been pretty agitated to not know what happened.

I guess you could say that after the Daughters of Aku were thrown into a pit of hot coals, they were feeling pretty

Okay, I've been playing Persona 5 religiously for the past 3 weeks and I feel like I need to chime in.

I don't think it's the sperm given that he doesn't have a son. But he must have done a lot of pelvic exercises.

So I have to point out that Aku's tower isn't meant to be like the tower from Jack and the Blind Archers. It's meant to resemble the trees from the evil forest where Aku was born/gained sentience.

What do you mean nobody else saw Jack hallucinating? Scaramouche saw it when Jack saw the faces of the people he failed to save.

There actually was something that should have tipped me off to the surprise premiere. A week ago, I was trying to find the reruns for Samurai Jack in the U.K. for a British guy. I saw that the upcoming Episode 4 of the season was listed as premiering on the 8th instead of the 1st in the UK. I just thought that some

How the hell did Pete Campbell's "The King Ordered it!" not go viral?

Use this as a basic guide for the essential episodes (The first episode is a 3 parter, not 2 parter like this site claims). If you liked those, feel free to watch the rest.…

They play the reruns on Wednesday.

I don't get why the reviewer believes the flashback didn't fit in with the episode? It made perfect sense once you think about it since they were trying to show that we're all the product of the choices we make. The bandits chose to attack the caravan while the Emperor chose to slay them in order to protect his

He did.

I'm pretty sure I figured out how the Daughters knew where Jack was in the tomb. They heard the firefly buzzing next to him and that gave it away. We just didn't hear the buzzing because the music drowned it out. Remember that the firefly was following Jack when a Daughter ambushed him in the tomb so they were likely

Do you want me to edit it?

They already had auditions and Greg was considered the best. Mako's family was even in tears as he read his lines for the final episode since it reminded them of him so much. Also, Greg replaced Mako for the last season of The Last Airbender and did a great job there.