
Why can't the reviewers just give Greg Baldwin a chance? It's extremely difficult to do a spot on impression of a prolific voice actor and Greg did what he could to take up Mako's role. Mako's family even watched Greg record his lines for the final episode and they were moved to tears by how closely his voice

If the Westboro Baptist Church was still around after the apocalypse, they'd make Tandy an honorary member for killing off the last remaining gay person. Then they'd go wonder what to hate for the rest of their lives?

I don't see Jack as an underdog. Look at the episode The Princess and the Bounty Hunters to see proof. The best bounty hunters around made the most intricate plan they could and Jack crushed them all in seconds. If anything, Jack is at his most vulnerable right now without his sword. That makes the story a lot more

Came off as too conceited didn't I?

That's where you're wrong. The sword was the only thing capable of stopping Aku and Aku knew that he had no chance of beating Jack while he carried it. That's why the information that Jack doesn't have his sword is so crucial because even though Jack could fend off Aku's minions with anything he finds, Aku himself

That would be a terrible ending. Mako is irreplaceable, but leaving the story unfinished would have been horrible. It's like the ending of Quantum Leap with the guy never getting back to his own body and time period which makes him doomed to travel around time forever. Good stories need closure or else fans will be

The Scotsman has been confirmed to still be alive. I'd post a link to the promo that he was in, but I don't think Youtube links are enabled here.

I don't think I will ever again here the phrase "sinister scatting powers".

This site is going to review Samurai Jack right? It deserves one after that premiere.

This site has a serious case of Simpsons dependence syndrome. No matter how low current Simpsons episodes go, you never stop covering it and keep praising the past episodes in other articles. I get it, the Simpsons was a cultural touchstone, but it's time to just let it go like you did for Family Guy?

I don't know if I can describe Patton Oswalt as a high profile guest. While he is an Emmy award winning comedian and all around awesome guy who uses his power of twitter trolling for good, he's done so many voice overs that it doesn't feel that unique whenever he makes a guest appearance. It'd be like Tara Strong

It's always great to see one of your ships come to fruition after all the time wishful thinking you put into it. Now you know how I felt when I saw Serena kiss Ash. Shipping should be like trading stocks, you should have a lot of them so that you don't suffer too much of a fallout if one goes under.

I bet he planned this with the kid who manipulated everything to win Student Council President by default.

I felt like this was RSR's plan all along. Pretend to like another girl in order to make Louise jealous and start to like him.

Did the hip hop Mom and son get their moves from Team Skull?

It's easy to say you read Playboy solely for the articles given that it's nothing but articles now.

Alright thanks, I didn't know.

I'm sorry, but AV Club NEEDS to review this week's Adventure Time. We FINALLY got to see who was Finn's Mom!!

I can't stop loving the Bookworm sketch. Aziz is perfect as a smug douche that gets taken down.