
Yeah but this is a TV show. You want all the interactions and build up to mean something or else it feels pointless. It's like the fallout from the HIMYM finale when Barney and Robin got divorced after they spent an entire season on the weekend of their wedding.

I wasn't feeling this ending. They wanted to make this feel so epic, yet everything they've done in the past made the final fight seem normal by comparison even when they tried to shoehorn in every fan favorite character. I'm glad they didn't pull a Mighty Max and didn't end it by going back to the very first episode,

Mid 20's, but I'm talking about being around the snooty old money types of people in that area. You saw how devastated Lorelei was at being called the Gardener's daughter on top of getting dumped by her boyfriend. I'm sorry I offended you, I just hate seeing Rory repeating the same mistakes of getting involved with

I really don't like the idea of Rory being pregnant. Even though it makes the story come full circle, it's going to be worse for the kid because unlike Rory, he or she was the product of an affair. That's going to give the kid and Rory so much social stigma and the kid will likely be bullied about it for most of his

I just can't stop giggling whenever I hear the name Quirky Turkey. It's just so weird and stupid, yet it's a perfect rhyme.

It was already going as downhill as it could go and I've been thinking about doing this for a while. I only got one shift a week and there was no room to grow or learn anything new and everybody else got more responsibilities despite the fact I was working there longer than all of them. This was just the straw that

About to quit my job because my manager who was a White girl in her 20's with no college degree said women get offended by everything when talking about Trump's pussy comment. A member of my family got sexually assaulted in college and has a hard time dating due to the trauma. Anybody who tries to defend or brush off

I think that Tina would forgive Conway if one of the horses he grounded up for meat was the horse Plops that Tina hated last season.

I still don't get why WGN isn't airing the Flash anymore? It's on WPWR instead now.

Okay, the You Spinach Me Right Round Baby has to be my new favorite burger of the day. That song got ingrained into my head after playing so much MGSV: Phantom Pain.

Hoping the show defies the odds and manages to come back now that it's finally consistently good.

"Well people have used the J word". Great, the town is full of Anti-Semites.

If current trends hold, Clinton will win without even needing Florida or Ohio for the first time ever. That's because she has a swing state firewall consisting of PA, NH, CO, and VA. Those are considered swing states, but she has strong leads in every single one of those states. People claim WI and MI could go Repub,

From what I remember, the prosecution relied solely on unreliable and circumstantial evidence. The first one was the testimony of a junkie who claimed she was at home that night. The second was a knife with a trace amount of her blood on it which could have come from accidentally cutting her hand. How the hell that

Cameron had this coming given that she named her company Mutiny. It couldn't have been more foreshadowed if it was named Backstabber Enterprises.

Talk to my Grandpa. He watches it religiously. And I'm pretty sure he'll vote for Hillary.

So Breitbart?

I lost interest in the show after seeing Neil DeGrasse Tyson being forced to explain to a smug douchebag why we didn't fake the moon landing and the guy's defense was "that's not what the YouTube videos I saw had shown." I absolutely hate false equivalency with two people being on the same authority despite one being

Thanks to the onscreen text, I can't stop laughing at Hali Flickinger's last name given that a capital L and I put together looks like a U.

Okay, I'm kind of sick of all the hate The new Doug got. Yes, Billy West was gone and the characters changed a lot. But there were still some pretty good messages in the show such as not giving in to peer pressure such as Mr. Dink quitting his job so that he wouldn't be forced to advertise drug like products to kids.