Light Emitting Diode

Or even pretend to address the fact that all of the US-founded social networks have been doing the exact same thing TikTok does for years - and that includes selling the data to anyone willing to pay - which may or may not include the Chinese government.

The TV Studio response put me in mind of: “

You have the inside track to everything reported to police? Glad to hear some random guy called Juan knows confidential police reports. </s>

What these folks pretending to buy TT for the “good of humanity” or whatever fail to realize is that, when the person who owns the thing you’re talking about buying keeps saying it’s not for sale, you look like a Grade A Prick.

Wow, the last I heard about this show there was a big possibility it was’t coming back. It was something about the cast always arguing. Now its coming out tomorrow, wild. I very much enjoyed the 1st season, a sci fi hidden it what appeared to be just a western. Also, I thought the Rings of Power was over too. Happy to

I’m assuming it’s the other, others’ brother who was recast, I didn’t see him in the trailer, not that he had a big presence.

I really enjoyed the first season. Had a very slow-burn, almost Twin Peaks, vibe. I hope they dive headlong into the weirdness for the second season.

Ozempic could be guaranteed to kill you in 40 years and it would still likely be safer than not living at a healthy weight. It’s insane how many people have no idea how many health risks come with even mild obesity.

It’s all been filmed, so I’d be very, very surprised.

I’m willing to bet this is a promotional stunt. I think, originally, they were going to call it Agatha: House of Harkness, but someone thought that sounded dumb and wanted to change it and then it changed again and eventually someone had the bright idea to go “Wait, what if we just keep changing the name every week to

Whether you are at a dumb ceremony has absolutely zero to do with whether or not you get your degree. Most of the time you don’t even get your actual degree (which, in reality, is still just a piece of paper, the actual proof that you got a degree is with the registrar) during overblown graduation ceremonies, it gets

Right because otherwise all graduation events are 100% legally binding and if you miss them you have to do college again.

And it’s not like his comedy was ever “edgy.”

It’s funny to me that he of all people has started on this anti-”woke” party. Like Woke didn’t force him to write a shitty movie about cereal. 

All protest is, in some sense, a performance. What a weird and unnecessary observation.

It’s pretty good for news type folks. Lots of the people I use to follow are on there now, both reporters and respected experts. And with Bluesky’s mod tools, they’re much more likely to engage with you if that’s your thing because its easier for them to get rid of trolls.

Weird guy.

Twitter with moderation is a pretty ringing endorsement for Bluesky imo.

All cars have problems. Even brand new, $300k cars do. The difference is that none of them will tell you “your coolant leak is not covered under warranty” after 35 miles. Then after it blows up online, fixing it and washing the car is also not “above and beyond”. Hell, getting 47% charge and a dirty car during

He only got it fixed after putting them on blast on Twitter. If a support person said it wasn’t covered under warranty, and fights with you when you call and try to get it covered, and in the end will only agree to send a tow truck, that’s not the “5 star service” Tesla is often touting.