Light Emitting Diode

well I guess the important thing is to promote the interview by linking to it and making claims to be concerned for this woman's mental health

We have an established medical research industry run by experienced STEM people, not a make-shift Frankenstein program run by a racist yahoo.

My guess:

If I had a nickel for every time Bryan Fuller departed a project due to creative differences, I’d have a whole lot of nickels.

Come on dude, use your head and read the rest of the article. She doesn’t want to be in pop culture the way it works with instant reactions and the industry around it. Thats not anti woke at all. 

There’s some pretty strong irony about the writers for this site complaining about the insane overabundance of ads, pop-up BS, etc.

The second part of your post is what blows my mind the most. People losing their mind over 2 minutes of ads at the beginning of a show/movie, or a couple minutes throughout. 30 minute television shows used to be about 20-22 minutes of actual show and 8-10 minutes of commercials but somehow this change by Prime is

Brief ads on streaming services make things unwatchable? Television used to be 25-33% commercials and people watched that perfectly fine.

Yeah, I’ve been rewatching Clarkson’s Farm and it’s only two minutes of ads at the start of a 45 minute episode. They even skip the ads if you come back mid-episode. Not to say that it isn’t bullshit, but it’s relatively tame compared to every other streaming service *cough*Peacock*cough*.

so, for the next wave of Tesla layoff, Elon will fire the whole self-driving/autopilot team?

They let him get away with lie after lie for years. Which just emboldened him to keep spouting obvious lies. (See also DJT).

It’s about fucking time! Tesla & Musk have flat-out lied about the capabilities of the vehicles for years.

3 Movies and 2 Shows a Year still seams like a lot to me.  Especially for one genre. It's like catching a buss. Another one will be a long any minute no need to get excited.

Considering neither Blade or Fantastic Four have started filming yet for their alleged 2025 releases, I think he’s signalling pretty strongly that one or both isn’t going to make it.

They should do less. I’m not hating, I just think they should dial it back and reclaim some mystique. And I don’t mean the mutant character.

I- you- this...this is...the stupidest take I have ever seen in my life. Are you saying that this is meaningless because, what, other stuff is going on in the world? I cannot imagine how shitty it would be if rappers and song writers were doing songs ‘about the Israel/Palestine situation’.

Canadian here, and of an age (38) where I would have never been of Drake’s demographic, which is to say I don’t care for his music, but am not really in a place to criticize it (I do, however, really like Kendrick). I’m also unfamiliar with the allegations against Drake, so no comment there, either.

None of those songs get played at clubs, let alone make clubs go crazy.

Strategery in a nutshell: It’s either true or it’s not, but if it’s true, that’s better kept as a secret, never to be spoken of in polite company with anything other than revulsion and dismissiveness. If it’s NOT true, then it’s a lie - widely broadcast as a truth by someone with credibility - expressed as a HORRIBLE

The other thing that gets me is Drake is claiming he purposely fed Kendrick fake info the entire time. So...why you are letting a man say you’re a deadbet dad with abandoned kids, a sex trafficker, and a pedo for days and then at the end you’re like “sike, we fed you fake info”. If you’re going to go thru with the