Light Emitting Diode

His all-in dive on antagonizing every critique of the film for its white savior bullshit has made it hard to listen to anything he has to say when not on screen.

I didn’t binge it in one sitting, but I did 2-3 episodes at a time over a week or so, and it definitely does play better that way. I’m a huge advocate of the pacing decisions in the show and this season, but I think it only works when you can actually watch multiple episodes at a time.

The white savior was in the third movie, he started as savior the grey. 

Paywall. But apparently he shits on people who didn’t like his white savior movie? 

The man who literally stated he wants to be dictator for one day’ gets treated EXACTLY like a dictator, and now we have to act like this event isn’t exactly how dictators get treated and deposed.

Black is selfishly trying to protect his Hollywood rep and his income.

Jack’s reaction here is really disappointing. Even if he disagreed with the comment and thought it was in bad taste, throwing your friend and creative partner for decades under the bus to this extent is a big shame.

Sorry but it’s not “hate speech” to wish a fascist was dead. It’s banal and Black is a douchebag for reacting like this.

Bold of you to assume that anything about these awards is either fun or entertaining.

Makes room for categories that have been missing like most stunt positions. Maybe motion capture acting? Voice acting? There are plenty of options.

Not enough of that Laurel Canyon Sound. 

Maybe you should write your own reviews then, happywinks.

Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.

The worst part is probably his terrible actions.

Yeah, I guess I just don’t understand the compulsion or need to jerk off in front of uncomfortable people. Seems like if I had that compulsion, I’d maybe want to seek help for it.

Kimmel immediately led them in the exactly wrong direction, eliminating the right answer (“ludicrously capacious”) because it “sounds like too much to me.”

The wealthiest people my age I personally know were second-generation family business owners who were cut into the equity by their parents before the companies sold. So the commentary was “person X sold their company for a ton of money!” followed by “no, person X’s dad sold his company that he built for 30 years for a

Unless all the kids are related, I feel like once you get beyond 5 adoptions the house has just become an orphanage. At 77, it’s a now small boarding school.

More like Letitia Wrong, am I wright?

I understand. She probably told her reps she only wanted to deal with anti-vax distributors and when they could only find one, they kept the exact details from her. Tale as old as time.