Light Emitting Diode

We should be funding NASA, not paying SpaceX.

A true god dose would kill that stupid ego of his.

He’s prob eating a 5 mg gummy and freaking out.

“Think of it as a combination of Airbnb and Uber,” said Musk on Tesla’s earnings call Tuesday. “There will be some number of cars that Tesla owns itself and operates in the fleet, and then there’ll be a bunch of cars where they’re owned by the end user.”

Dude just dropped some mushrooms over the weekend and watched the OG Total Recall, about the taxis.

I came prepared to come here and shit on Kate McKinnon because I do not care for her character work; I realize this is perhaps a bit of a hot take as a lot of people seem to love it (especially Lorne Michaels seeing how much she appeared/starred in sketches as her tenure continued), but Jesus Christ why in the hell is

Dismukes seems to really be staking his claim to the glue-guy role during this most recent season.

Agree on switching Bennett for Moynihan.  The latter has never felt like more than a place filler.

I get the praise for wiig but i felt like she had two modes on snl: loud-mouth midwestener and damaged, detatched old hollywood-style actress

I too would put Beck Bennett. Probably over Jimmy Fallon or yeah maybe over Moynihan. For a conventionally handsome guy, Beck really committed to the ridiculousness when he could have gotten by on his looks.

Ooh, I missed seeing Fallon included on here. I mentioned Beck Bennett earlier - yeah, I got way more laughs out of Bennett than I ever did from Fallon’s SNL days.

I promise there’s someone left off this list who was funnier than Jimmy Fallon.

Kenan Thompson can walk onto the set and I’m already happy. His entire body is like an orchestra of funny; he doesn’t have to say a word.

Will Forte should be higher and I’d fit Beck Bennett in there somewhere - I feel like in the last decade or so of SNL, he was the most underrated cast member. Get Moynihan outta there, maybe. Otherwise, pretty agreeable/predictable list.

i mean yeah it was played for laughs in a comedy. did you find that to be a harrowing portrayal?

OK, I’ll bite: other than coming across luxury cars where the owner was dumb enough to leave the key fob in it, how did these punk kids pull off the heists?

Something feels wrong about wouldn’t you prefer if they gave themselves up like morons?  Also two additional years? I’m sure that’s not what they get, but 2 years seems unbalanced.  Now... take away their ability to participate in social media for two years, and I think we are on to something.

Stupid law. Seems like you would want those idiots to brag about it, they’ll be easier to find and arrest.

You’re almost to the point: the fact that those other entities are owned and control by US oligarchies, and thus amplify (or mute) specific messages and ideologies is the real ‘problem’ they want to ‘address’ by pushing Tiktok to sell itself to US oligarchies. Especially since a significant demographic consume more of

I somewhat wonder if the best thing would be for this to pass, then get challenged and taken to the Supreme Court. Setting a precedent that no, you can’t do this shit, would be a good thing. And I wouldn’t exactly feel bad about TikTok in particular being the company that has to take on the burden.

I’d say it’s additive.  It takes something terrible, and adds something that’s terrible in a completely different way.