Light Emitting Diode

Do “The Long Walk”, you cowards.


With the caveat that I haven’t seen the movie — I’m guessing the war is not depicted as a good thing. It seems to me that those complaining that the director did not pick a “side” may be missing the point of a movie about a divided nation.

I doubt that’s the main twist just the set up for the story.

These days, real-world Republicans are increasingly indistinguishable from parodies.

A lot of “Musk seems to be confused” when what I think you mean is “Musk is being vague, difficult and trying to obfuscate in bad faith.”

One of my favorite moments of their relationship is when Dave shows up, and Ben is totally fine with them going out to dinner because he’s secure in his relationship and completely trusts Leslie (to the point that it’s not even an issue that’s articulated on-screen). And that trust is totally founded - when Dave locks

It’s odd that Greg Daniels gets credit for Parks and Rec, but no mention of Michael Schur - especially since Eleanor and Chidi from Schur’s The Good Place blow bland ol’ Jim and Pam out of the water, awesome-couple-wise.

Poehler and Scott had great chemistry.

It’s a bummer to see Jennifer Jason Leigh side with Juliana Margulies on this issue.

Did I say I think it’s some kind of ‘bold artistic decision’? I don’t think I did, from what I can tell I just said that you’re not in your right mind. Because you have a problem with a woman being cast as a sexless silver coated being from space that rides a surfboard and wields the power cosmic instead of a man

It is so weird that a certain percentage of fans will freak out about casting a beautiful woman in a comic book movie.

There haven’t been editors on the internet for like 20 years now.

If you have a problem with it then no, you’re absolutely not in your right mind, sorry.

God I hope so, we need more silly shit like a giant guy in a crazy purple hat eating planets in our lives.

Horny dudes are flying under the radar these days thanks to the wacko misogynists

He is specifically talking about the mouth breathers who screech and post 15 minute reaction videos to YouTube. They have a very “loose” understanding of what comic books are supposed to be about and at best, it relies on their memories of the 90s and early aughts, not necessarily a high water mark for super hero

I thought this was gonna be about being weird regarding how hot she might look in the role.

I love this. Makes me want to go sit outside the comic-book store and listen for the cries of outrage like the Grinch waiting for the Whos to discover Christmas has been stolen.