Light Emitting Diode

just publish all of texas representatives search history. i already use their names when i go to distilleries to get around the 2 bottle a month law. they have raised it to 4 recently. 

Man, whodathunk electing religious nutjobs would have consequences?!

People should understand that for the overwhelming majority of actors, most of the roles they play are “just a job” that they aren’t terribly invested in, especially if it’s some franchise IP thing. 

The only upside to this scattershot streaming TV hell we seem to be in is that it’s so easy to lose track of which shows are streaming where, or if they’re canceled or not, is that I am regularly pleasantly surprised to find out a show I liked is coming back. Now save the Save By the Bell reboot!

...and the AV Club hits a new low, when the commentariat has to explain jokes to the writing staff.

Right? SO UNFAIR that a movie star can’t just choose to stop working half the year.

“Even movie stars have to take shitty jobs to pay the bills every now and again.”

Yeah, this line had me scratching my head too. The last time you could call Sony’s Spider-man franchise “untouchable” was like, 20 years ago with Spider-man 2.

Okay, she’s not explicitly saying it now either, but it’s clearly her attitude towards widely derided tentpole and future cult classic Madame Web, which she was in despite her quip to the contrary (“you definitely did not see me in Madame Web”) last week on Saturday Night Live.

Glad its back. As a parent of an only child who lives in a city I vote New York Lonely Boy as the best song.

Uncut Gems doesn’t seem like it really needs the full IMAX experience.

The cat was later seen donning a long purple coat and muttering “wait’ll they get a load of me...”

so .... no chance of it mutating into a superhero or supervillian?

Lemon failed to learn from Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman. When they interview Musk, they fellate his ego by lying and saying Grok is super cool and the Cybertruck is way rad and doesn’t look at all like a toddler designed it with crayons. Once the narcissist is satisfied, he gleefully talks about his drug use because he

He’s so fucking petty, such a child.


Even if it was well done I refuse to watch anything by the D&D, I won’t give them any support.  It’s a shame because I like some of the actors on the show especially Benedict Wong.

I have no trust in David Benioff and D.B. Weiss first because of how they butchered the ending of game of thrones due to wanting to leave the project but not bringing themselves to do the adult thing and hand the show over to others.

Yes, the touchscreen in my car is atrocious. You literally have to take your eyes off the road to operate the heater controls. Systems like this should be banned, but all the lawmakers are corpo shills.

Choosing Musk over the life of your wife — gotta love capitalism! Or else.