Light Emitting Diode

I can’t stand crispy bacon, but this guy took it several steps too far. 

You have to cook bacon VERY lightly to not raise the temperature high enough that it kills errant wildlife. I’m talking just warm enough to start the fat melting. And that sounds like an absolutely gross way to eat bacon. I like my bacon with some chew to it, but come on now. 

“Harry Kim appeared as the captain of the Voyager-B in the first draft of Frontier Day.

Can do this a lot cheaper with a Raspberry Pi.  Flipper Zero not required, 

Right? I’m reading this and thinking, this isn’t a new ploy. MITM and skimming from junk networks has been a thing forever. I remember being warned about it in the early 2000's for coffee shop wifi.
The author mentions other devices can do this, but its 10 paragraphs into the article, a bit misleading.  

I think that the Flipper Zero is being unfairly attacked here. You can also make a fake hotspot using a laptop or even a Raspberry Pi. There’s nothing unique about the Flipper Zero here. Maybe if the Flipper Zero was used a NFC key to open the car, then it could be a story.

In this case, garbage is probably a sampling of the right-wing blogosphere. 


Google needs to completely dismantle the way SEO works, if not completely abandon it.

They should also remove Pinterest from image search results by default.

And The Real RocknRolla.

now give us the Man from U.N.C.L.E. limited series we all want

Google search is absolutely horrendous now, even without counting the SEO-gaming garbage sites.

I know a secret hack to prevent Twittxr tracking any of my information....

This is simple - don’t use it. 

If anyone still has a Twitter account, close it now. If you won’t, you need to have a hard look at yourself. The rascist, vile conspiracies the unwell owner is peddling are disgusting

Or, just STOP USING TWITTER. That’s the much better option.

In ten seconds of looking at Target, I have:

Is it that you find it impossible that her fans (mostly women in their 20s-30s) are just incapable of owning a record player?

Is this also a tactic to have four different albums at #1 at the same time? Since they’re technically different records.

I’m only a casual fan of her stuff and it’s clear every aspect of her life and career is precision engineered by an army of PR people, but the snark and venom of this article fucking sucks. This isn’t news, this is something she’s done for a decade and so has every other high level artist in the country after the