Well damn, if that isn’t a great fit
Well damn, if that isn’t a great fit
He probably has to his agent and producers he works with. Doesn’t help that famous a-holes love to use lax anti-SPLAPP laws and sue the ever living shit out of people.
Yeah, this could easily just be an app rather than a physical object.
The most rewarding part was when MCU gave her the money
Better people have said better things about taxes than the man that created concentration camps in the USA
Did an AI write this?
Oh no, did something bad happen in early 2020 that could have possibly caused this?
I’ll accept that critique as long as you’re from anywhere but the UK.
Super weird that you care more about having guilt-free access to his work rather than hoping he’s innocent so that multiple women weren’t assaulted.
Super telling that the “He’s been on strike for years” joke is being bandied about by a whole bunch of blue-checkmarked fascists on Twitter as well. Get a new schtick and quit being so entitled. My favorite take is that he’s “Morally and legally obligated” to finish the series. Read another fucking book, folks.
Bethesda being notoriously Bethesda, I really have no plans on getting Starfield soon after release on anything other than PC. Their games are just so buggy that I can tweak all sorts of settings that I can’t on console. As well, tons of people upgraded their computers during quarantine, so most of us have capable…
Mary Kate, your editors are really going for that SEO for right-wing CHUDs, are you cool with that? The difference in tone of your article compared to the baiting headline is pretty heinous. Eventually management is going to get their wish and the comments section is going to be overrun with anti-woke dicks, is that…
sweet, SWEET validation from online randos, baby!
It’s a more recent thing. 2010/2012 really fucked up the Libertarian movement with the influx of Republican “Tea Partiers” that called themselves Libertarian without actual espousing the ideals. Johnson and Jorgenson were two of the most successful candidates in LP history, yet in spite of that, the same Tea Partiers…
Editing isn’t SEO-compatible. Since the AVC move/purge and scabs coming on, they’ve been trying to claw their way back into being cool, but instead it just means showing up on Google first.
They probably have 45 minutes of footage for a scene, probably the assembly cut of the scene.
Yeah, replace Thanos with the Annihilation Wave and they have a pretty good basis for a Nova movie.
I’d say you’re the fool for expecting a Potterhead not to drop an ethnic slur.
It’s a weird IP to alienate your trans friends over, though. “You’re my friend and I love you, but I’m really into this game where, in effect, I end up materially supporting someone that wishes to exterminate you”.
The Angela Davis stuff was super awkward, in that so many Ethno-nationalists thought it was a “gotcha”, when the implications of someone black in America having white ancestors are obviously not going to be great for the white ancestor.