
Exactly. And I’m sure some creators, especially those who are less established, would be willing to make some level of compromise for the added exposure and prestige that comes with a Vertigo book.

Couldnt they at least have waited till the plug on the adaption of Y: the last man was pulled?

I just started reading Sandman too

I mean, maybe, but that just means that DC should have loosened up that aspect of Vertigo!

Godspeed Vertigo - I was there at the beginning, and I am sadly here for the end.

“Forget the comics” is pretty much the Big Two’s motto right now.

I’ve read elsewhere, when the end of Vertigo was rumored a couple weeks ago, that one of the biggest reasons is that no creators wanted to do anything for Vertigo because there are so many other publishers now that would offer them full ownership of their creations that it didn’t make sense to give DC partial

It’s uncanny how much that reads like DiDio. 

“Nah, we’re all good here, just clean out your desk and be out of the building by noon.”

Maybe we peasants should form our own comics label; with blackjack and [sex workers]! In fact, forget the comics!

What a joke, and so classic of DC to kill its only imprint that ever meant anything. Other companies would kill for a brand that was as easily identifiable, meaningful, and beloved as Vertigo. Comics readers knew exactly what a Vertigo book meant. It’s stunning to me how compulsively they tinker and how often they get

DiDio: “Y’know what, fuck comics, as of today, we’re merging with Allied Zinc to form DC Electrical Bushings. Did you know that deteriorating bushings are the #1 cause of unwanted automotive noise? Here at DC, we’ll provide all your suspension arm needs, to guarantee a smooth and quiet ride on America’s highways. Ask

Everything is now under one singular brand... that is made up of three brands. 

This really bothers me. Yeah, comics have evolved to the point where they tell much more mature stories than they did before, but the Vertigo imprint was always the place for the weird and eclectic to show up. We’ll either see less of those titles produced now or they’ll get lost in the DC mass.

No lie, Vertigo was my childhood. I first started reading the line in middle school around the 1993 timeframe, and it was my first exposure to Sandman, and first exposure to comics outside of DC/Marvel proper.

It’s fucking dumb to “restructure” your brand and then kill off the ONE NAME that had any brand recognition. Call “black label” Vertigo instead you iddgitts.
They’re comics, not whisky.

Well, you know what they say: Vertihere today, Vertigone tomorrow.

C’mon Zack you gotta admit its kind of weird that Kotaku repeatedly writes articles about very specific youtube channels whenever they have a new video that isn’t anything remarkable. I’m not saying Kotaku’s being paid under the table, I’m just saying its weird how every time there’s a new Boundary Break there has to

I hate to be a jerk, but you’re article doesn’t make the video sound interesting at all. You’re talking about boxes being found in the game world like it’s some incredible thing.

If you release a game that isn’t finished and charge full price for it (and pepper it with micro-transactions, to boot), and then do very little in the way of meaningful apologies or commitments to improvements, AND if you’re a mega-publisher whose gotten ripped on many times in the past for doing the same unethical